Poster time comments | Improve the nourishment of the nation of the whole people and help the construction of a strong digital province in Shandong

Author:Jining News Network Time:2022.07.24

Poster commentator Wang Hongni

At present, digital technologies such as big data, 5G, artificial intelligence, and Internet of Things are accelerating all aspects of people's lives and promoting profound changes in production, lifestyle and governance methods. The digital transformation of the government, the economy, and society puts forward higher requirements for the digital literacy of the whole society.

Improving digital literacy and skills of the whole people is a strategic task that meets the requirements of the digital age, enhances national quality and promote the comprehensive development of people. Since the end of last year, Shandong has implemented the task deployment of the "Improvement of the National Digital Literacy and Skills Action Outline", and formulated and introduced the "Implementation Plan for the Implementation of Digital Quality and Skills Action for the National Powers in Shandong Province" In other supporting policies and measures, Shandong Province's digital literacy and skills improvement month activities in 2022 are about to start. These measures can be described as "targeted power" to ensure that the digital literacy and skill level of the whole people improve the realization.

Optimize the supply of digital resources and realize inclusive sharing of digital resources. Shandong has clearly promoted the construction and application of 5G, and strives to open 60,000 new 5G base stations by the end of 2022; accelerate the government office area, key industrial parks, business buildings, schools, medical and health institutions and other places, Gigabit Fiber Network coverage; improve government data Supply list, promote the orderly and efficient sharing of data; promote the construction of integrated government service platforms of provinces and municipalities, promote the application of electronic licenses, and improve the level of government service. Development to the people and development rely on the people. Expanding high -quality development and opening up and sharing of digital resource acquisition channels and promoting digital products and information services, and continuously improves the sense of happiness and security of the people, is the deserved meaning of high -quality development.

Highlighting scene drives and application traction, driving overall improvement. Focus on the four application scenarios of digital life, digital work, digital learning, and digital innovation, Shandong deploys in detail and refined tasks. Taking the ability to enhance digital work as an example, we propose to strengthen the training of farmers' mobile phone application and expand the information services of agricultural technology promotion personnel. Guide enterprises and public welfare organizations to participate in the improvement of digital skills in farmers, give play to the role of agricultural science and technology special assignments, adopt online and offline combination, and promote digital services and training to the countryside. Different application scenarios, corresponding to different types of groups and citizens of different ages, follow the laws of digital development, and overall improvement of the literacy and skills of digital learning, work, life and innovation in the whole people.

Focus on the needs of special groups and deepen the application of digital application for the elderly. The issue of digital society such as the elderly, the disabled people, and the disabled has received widespread attention from the public. In this regard, the supply of innovative policies in Shandong, make up for shortcomings, open up the blocking point, eliminate pain points, and continuously improve the digital gap between urban and rural, regions and people. For example: Optimize the construction of the "Love Shandong" government service platform, provide the "elders mode" and "care mode" service applications for the elderly and special groups; encourage the provision of services such as electronic version of large characters, voice -by -voice bills, etc., and promote the promotion Construction and transformation of non -hindrance facilities for telecommunications operations.

Mobilize with the times and open up and innovate. Shandong made it clear that by 2025, the level of digital literacy and skills of the whole people ranks among the forefront of the country. By 2035, digital talents will be basically established, and digital literacy and skills of the whole people will reach a higher level, forming a leading demonstration in the country. It is believed that with the overall improvement of digital literacy and skills of the whole people, the construction of digital strong provinces in Shandong will reach a new level!

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