"I ride a motorcycle, you also check it!" After a man drunk, driving an unlicensed motorcycle was seized by Binzhou High -tech Police

Author:Qilu.com Time:2022.07.23

Qilu.com · Lightning News July 23rd News At 22:00 on July 22, an unlicensed motorcycle slowly drove the drunk driving inspection point set up by the High -tech traffic police brigade and was intercepted and inspected by the traffic police.


When the police asked how much wine, the driver said that he drank three glasses of white wine, and thought that the traffic police checked the drunk driving. They only checked the car and did not check the motorcycles.

After investigation, the driver's driving license type is A2.The police then issued compulsory measures for illegal acts that did not suspend the registered number plate and drunk driving.


The driver is about to face the driving license revoked. Within five years, he must not obtain the punishment of the driver's license and is suspected of criminal violations.

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