Linxia People's Hospital successfully took birth of a "high -risk risk" pregnant woman

Author:Linxia Rong Media Center Time:2022.07.23

At 1:40 on July 23, with a loud cry of the baby, a "high -risk zone" pregnant woman successfully gave birth to a 6.8 -pound baby boy at the heat -in -the -shelf room in Linxia People's Hospital, and the mother and child were safe. This is the first "high -risk zone" newborn in Linxia People's Hospital since the new crown epidemic.

At 11:30 pm on July 22, Linxia People's Hospital received a notice from the Municipal Epidemic Prevention and Control Command that a "high -risk zone" pregnant woman had developed a regular contraction for 6 hours. Linxia People's Hospital, as a cure hospital for a maternal maternal in Linxia City, is determined to be ordered to take responsibility at the critical moment, and immediately mobilize the preparatory consultation, popular rib clinics, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics and other departments. While the treatment team, while conducting various measures for the epidemic prevention and control, the same direction and accurate efforts will be carried out in a way to carry out the treatment of the maternal. At 12 pm on July 22, the pregnant woman entered the fever isolation room with the joint efforts of the treatment team. At 1:40 on July 23, she was successfully delivered under the guidance of the entire obstetrics and gynecological medical staff.

The postpartum mother and their families said excitedly: "At this special moment, you have worked hard. Thanks to the party and the government, thank the angel in white, and let our family feel warm."

The smooth production of this "high -risk area" pregnant women is a microcosm of the people's needs of special groups on the premise of preventing and controlling the epidemic prevention and control. Since the new crown epidemic in this round, Linxia People's Hospital has always put the safety and health of the people's lives and health. Under the premise, every effort to rescue each patient, and practice the responsibility and obligation of the "non -green code" to treat the hospital with practical actions. The mission is escorted by the people.

Reporter: Li Yangyang

Correspondent: Ma Jinping, People's Hospital of Linxia City

Responsible editor: Zhang Xudong, Li Hongxian,

Review: Zhu Lin, Liao Weiyi Pu Jingjing Shateng


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