Pomegranate fast comments 丨 Let the sweet fruits open the sweet smile of fruit farmers

Author:Tianshan.com Time:2022.07.22

Wang Hongwei

Recently, Pomegranate Cloud launched the "Harvest Festival · Fruit Conference" activity for the agricultural channel. It shows the special fruits grown in Xinjiang through short videos, telling the story behind the planting of fruit, and records the wonderful images of Xinjiang's agricultural strong, rural beauty, and farmers.

In the "Harvest Festival · Fruit Conference" activity, the scene of fruit farmers let us see that in the new era, fruit farmers in our district no longer follow the old and traditional planting methods. Technology, continuously improved fruit tree varieties so that it can adapt to the growth of the local environment, produce more excellent quality of fruit, and improve the production period of fruit trees through varieties, so that fresh fruits can still put on people after the past seasonal period, and people can still put people on people on people. The dining table adds more sweet taste to people's lives. While Xinjiang Fruit meets consumers' "fresh" needs, Xinjiang fruit farmers have also turned their wallets more "drums".

Yan Jiaming, a villager in Tai Si, Halayu Palace Township, Korla City, showed his peaches of his Taoyuan in the "Harvest Festival · Fruit Conference" event. Video screenshot

In the "Harvest Festival · Fruit Conference" activity, we see through the mouth -watering fruit picture through the implementation of the covetous fruit industry that the quality and quantity of the fruit products in our district have been greatly improved. With the improvement of living standards, people's demand for fruits is becoming more and more strong, and the requirements are getting higher and higher. The potential of fruit consumer market is great. With an increasingly solid production foundation, in the face of good market prospects, Xinjiang fruit farmers must abandon the idea of ​​"little rich is safe", and to continuously cultivate new varieties and improve the quality of fruit quality. Opening the fruit consumer market, the selling price of high -quality fruits always matches its value, and the effect of increasing the quality is turned into real gold and silver.

The "Harvest Festival · Sai Fruit Conference" activity provides a rare publicity and display platform for promoting a large number of high -quality fruits in our district, which shows that the pomegranate cloud of Xinjiang Daily (Xinjiang Newspaper Media "Co., Ltd.) Channel's purpose of serving farmers wholeheartedly. The development of the "Harvest Festival · Sai Fruit Conference" will definitely benefit the high -quality fruits in our district and expand sales, and it will be of great benefit to increasing the income of fruit farmers!

Related reports:

The "Harvest Festival · Fruit Conference" video collection is here! Come and participate in the competition conference between this fruit room

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