National Health and Health Commission: More than 2,600 community hospitals in the country

Author:Cover news Time:2022.07.22

Cover news reporter Shao Meng

On July 22, at the National Health and Health Commission's "All for the Health of the People's —— Our Decade" series of press conferences, Xu Shuqiang, Director of the Reform Department of the National Health Commission of the National Health Commission, said that in recent years The standard primary medical and health institutions accounted for 53%, and more than 2,600 community hospitals were completed in the country. The common diseases in the county were more than 90%of the common disease in the county.

Xu Shuqiang, the director of the Reform of the National Health and Health Commission. Picture source: China Net

Xu Shuqiang introduced that the graded diagnosis and treatment are graded according to the severe level of disease and difficulty in treatment. Different levels of medical and health institutions undertake different disease treatment, thereby forming a reasonable medical and diagnosis and treatment pattern. In recent years, the construction of the hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system has been further promoted, and this work has made positive progress.

First of all, grass -roots medical service capabilities have been continuously enhanced. Primary medical and health institutions that have reached service capabilities accounted for 53%, and more than 2,600 community hospitals were completed in the country, and the common disease in the county had more than 90%.

Secondly, the division of labor collaboration mechanisms are continuously improved. There are more than 15,000 medical consortia, which has played a strong supporting role in providing integrated and homogeneous medical services, and continuously enhanced the linkage up and down.

In addition, the service model is constantly optimized. Develop long -range medical and Internet diagnosis and treatment, and build an online and offline integrated service model. The amount of day surgery continues to increase. The five major centers in the field of emergency emergency emergency are more than 14,000, and home medical services have continued to develop, and strive to meet the medical service needs of patients with critical illness and chronic diseases.

Xu Shuqiang also pointed out that the current problem of insufficient high -quality medical resources is still facing the problem of uneven distribution between urban and rural areas and regions. There is still a big gap between grassroots medical and health services from the expectations of the masses, and the construction of the interests and demand guidance mechanisms for supply and demand is relatively lagging. In the next step, the medical and health service system will be further improved, the construction of high -quality and efficient integrated medical and health service systems, and promoting the establishment of a new pattern of orderly medical treatment and diagnosis and treatment.

On July 22, the press conference of the National Health and Health Commission. Cover reporter Shao Meng Photography

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