Jiangmen launched the theme publicity activity of "Green Code Guardia"

Author:Yangcheng Evening News Yangche Time:2022.07.22

Text, Figure/Yangcheng Evening News reporter Chen Zhuodong interns Zhong Yinpei Correspondent Jiang Xuan Tan Yaoguang Chen Qiaohua

The reporter learned from the Propaganda Department of the Jiangmen Municipal Committee on the 21st that in order to further remind the public to strengthen the awareness of the prevention and control of the epidemic, the theme publicity activities of the "Green Code Guardia" hosted by the Propaganda Department of the Jiangmen Municipal Party Committee were officially launched. Chen Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee Member and Minister of Propaganda Department, Chen, participated in the "Green Horse" delivery operation in Jiangmen No. 1 Kindergarten.

The Propaganda Department of the Jiangmen Municipal Party Committee sent "Green Horse" to Jiangmen First Kindergarten

Chen Ji pointed out that the launch of the theme publicity activities of Jiangmen's "Green Code Guardia" theme, aiming to give the "hard" epidemic prevention and control knowledge in a way of seeking "hardness", to send them to the masses through the "soft" method and means. The current situation of the masses is still severe and complicated, the epidemic prevention and control cannot be relaxed, and the personal epidemic protection is not available.

In the first kindergarten of Jiangmen City, the children sang an original epidemic prevention rhymes created by the Propaganda Department of the Jiangmen Municipal Party Committee, calling on the general public to strictly abide by various epidemic prevention regulations, actively fulfill citizen's obligations, fully cooperate with the implementation of epidemic prevention requirements, reduce gathering gathering , Make protection and contribute to Ping An Jiangmen.

On the afternoon of the activity, the Propaganda Department of the Jiangmen Municipal Party Committee also joined hands with the Jiangmen Volunteer Federation to organize volunteers at intensive places such as high -speed rail stations, bus stations, high -speed intersections and other dense places to issue safety reminders such as "unnecessary, Mo Yuanxing" and other security reminders to the public. The "Jiangmen Green Code Guardian" is a safe bag, and the "Little Green Horse" keychain is accompanied. It is reported that next, the Propaganda Department of the Jiangmen Municipal Party Committee will organize the propaganda departments of counties (cities, districts) to randomly distribute the "Jiangmen Green Code Guardian Action" Ping An Bag at intensive streams such as high -speed rail stations, bus stations, and high -speed intersections. Children's songs.

Source | Yangcheng Evening News · Yangcheng School

Responsible editor | Wei Qin

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