Sichuan Panzhihua, Sichuan, who is "bitter for a long time": Dare to ask where is the way?

Author:Cover news Time:2022.07.21

Cover news reporter Zhou Yi

Panzhihua people "have a long time to get through for a long time."

As the only city named after flowers in the country, Panzhihua City, the southernmost tip of Sichuan, enjoys the reputation of "flowers are a city and the city is a flower". The closest point.

Sunshine Huacheng Panzhihua Wangdong Photography

The mountains and rivers of the Great Rift Valley of Panxi are magnificent, but for the people of Panzhihua, this beautiful scenery is also a huge barrier to stop them from going to the outside world. The status quo of ensuring on time and landing on time makes it difficult for the people here to "travel and walk".

where is the road? The road in reality must be cultivated, and the road to development needs to be planned in advance.

"Improvement of traffic conditions has always been the common desire of the people in the city." On July 20, at the special work conference on "greeting foreign traffic reforms to promote the improvement of the sunlight article" on July 20, Zhang Zhenghong, secretary of the Panzhihua Municipal Party Committee, said Welcome to foreign traffic in a positive posture and promote the improvement of the city's sunlight articles.

Panzhihua Jin Shajiang Bridge Wang Dong Photography


Panzhihua was born of the third -line construction and was known as "the treasure of the world." Speaking of the modern transportation of Panzhihua, the construction of the Chengkun Railway is a history that cannot go around.

The southwestern land of China has been asserted by many national experts as "railway restricted areas." The Chengkun Railway runs through the high -level mountain canyon throughout the line. The terrain and geology are extremely complicated. , All are unprecedented.

Now half a century has passed, and the Chengkun Railway is still the "great arteries" of Panzhihua people. After 2009, as the G5 Beijing -Kunming High Speed ​​is connected throughout the board, the entry and exit of Pan Daguan has formed a pattern of Chengkun Railway and Beijing -Kunming Expressway with north -south direction.

Beijing -Kunming Expressway

For a long time, Panzhihua is the farthest city in the province to Chengdu. It takes more than 7 hours to take a car, and the train takes 13 hours. road. The Panzhihua Security Camp Airport after re -sailing in 2013 also often cannot take off and land due to climate conditions.

The "island" is the evaluation of Panzhihua after a disconnection of Panzhihua.


The difficulty of Shu Road is the most difficult to Panxi. While Panzhihua endured inconvenient traffic, it has never stopped working hard to open up the "big channel".

Data from the Panzhihua City Transportation Bureau shows that the mileage of high -speed highways in the city is 233 kilometers, railway mileage is 340 kilometers. Panzhihua has opened motors to Kunming and Xichang. , Guangzhou -Panzhihua -Chengdu, Panzhihua -Wuhan -Shanghai 5 routes, 4,476 safety take -off and landing flights in 2021, completing the passenger throughput of about 340,000.

EMU starting Wang Dong Photography

On the morning of January 9, 2020, with the launch of the first row of the Fuxing CR200J EMU, the Chenggun Railway Energy Expansion Reconstruction Project was opened and operated by the Panzhihua Section of Sichuan to Sichuan. Panzhihua officially entered the "EMU". The "Hulk" EMU at a speed of 160 kilometers per hour will shorten Panzhihua to Kunming passenger time from the original 5.5 hours to about 2 hours.

In January of this year, Xichang to Panzhihua, Kunming, and Xishuangbanna's vehicle groups opened to run.

"I’ m also very happy to buy the ticket. "After Panzhihua opened the motorcycle, the words of the citizen Li Renxiu were the true feelings of Panzhihua after the" bitter interchange for a long time ", and it was also the" great arteries "of Panzhihua City to open up the traffic" arterial artery ". It's best to praise.

Mo -EMU is driving in Panxi

Speed ​​up

After entering the "EMU", if you ask Panzhihua's most looking forward to traffic? That must be the entire line of the Chengkun Railway.

Recently, the New Vietnam West Tunnel with the most complicated geological conditions of the Chengkun Railway and the longest Xiaobiangling Tunnel have successfully connected, marking the hard work after more than 10 years, the complex line of Chengkun Railway is expected to open to traffic by the end of the year. At that time, it only takes more than 4 hours to go to Chengdu to Panzhihua. People in Chengdu and surrounding areas to Panzhihua to enjoy the "two -day tour" on the weekend of "warm winter" will become a reality.

"Its significant significance and far -reaching impact will be no less than the Chengkun Railway more than 50 years ago." The main leaders of Panzhihua City commented. At the same time, the overall image of the G4216 Panning Highway has been completed to 42%. It is expected to be opened to traffic at the end of 2024 from Yibin to Panzhihua Expressway.

Such speeding is not only a convenient convenience in the real sense, but also an enhancement in the sense of belonging of Sichuan people.

"I often feel that Panzhihua does not look like Sichuan." Cover reporters heard this more than once in an interview with Panzhihua. Zhou Yutian, who works in Panzhihua, has to go to Chengdu for a meeting almost every month due to work needs. The train arrives in Chengdu, and it will not arrive at 10 o'clock in the evening. "My colleagues are joking with me.

Such a speed -up, more importantly, will bring acceleration of the economic and social development of Panzhihua. "It will further break the barriers and geographical restrictions of the administrative division, promote the full flow of various elements such as talents, funds, and technology, which will help Panzhihua City to better gather people's flow, logistics, capital flow, and information flow. Strategy ', do a good job of injecting strong driving force for the "three articles' and building the three circles' economic and geographical spaces to create good conditions for accelerating the establishment of a modern regional central city." The relevant person in charge of Panzhihua said. Xiaoxiangling Tunnel opens


At the special work conference held on July 20, in addition to the Panzhihua City Transportation Bureau, there are also Panzhihua Cultural Radio and Television and Tourism Bureau, Panzhihua Education and Sports Bureau, Panzhihua Business Bureau and Panzhihua Kangyang Industry Development center and other departments.

There was a sentence that described Panzhihua: there are two treasures of Panzhihua, one is underground minerals, and the other is the sun in the sky. Today, when the foreigners talk about Panzhihua, many people do not think of steel for the first time, but the fruit of Panzhihua. Do a good job in the "Sunshine" article and become one of the "three articles" written in the work report of the Municipal Party Committee.

"The conspiracy is in front, the front, and the front", the development opportunities brought by the major changes to Panzhihua to Panzhihua are obvious. How to seize this rare opportunity is the focus of this meeting.

"Create core products and solve the problem of 'why tourists come'; improve the level of service and solve the problem of 'what to do'; strengthen the problem of planning marketing and solve the problem of" What to leave "." At the meeting, Panzhihua City Wenwen Liu Yaling, the director of the Guangli Bureau, made a work report from the above three aspects, and it was specific to the construction of each time node and each project.

Lu Yong, deputy director of the Panzhihua City Bureau of Commerce, believes that in the context of the great changes in the foreign traffic environment, "big opening" and "big trade" are right at the time. According to Lu Yong, after the completion of the completion of the Chengkun Railway, the total freight capacity will reach 80 million to 100 million tons/year, and the road freight volume is expected to reach 140 million tons in 2025. Panzhihua will build an international agricultural product distribution center and regional fashion consumption center "It is recommended to strengthen the overall planning of the trade and logistics industry, and introduce supporting policies in the aspects of consumer new business cultivation, development of new logistics models, new energy use, logistics leading enterprises, international interconnection and interoperability."

[If you have news clues, please report to us. Report WeChat Follow: IHXDSB, Report QQ: 3386405712]

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