Huancui District, Weihai City: Look!Add a new picture of beautiful villages ~ Time:2022.06.08 • Lightning News, June 8th The green onion is picturesque, the sound of flowing water under the bridge is like a bell, the red brick tile house is orderly, the ecological beauty is in front of the eyes ... Go away ... Go away ... Go away ... Go away ... Go in front of you ... Go in front of you ... Entering Meijiagou Village, Yangting Town, Huancui District, Weihai City, a rural painting rural painting with ecological livability, rural style, and prosperous industry is open slowly ...

The countryside Revitalize, ecology must be first. Entering Meijiagou Village, the neat and flat road will definitely subvert your original impression of the country road. Here, the road is not only \"all directions\", but the neatly arranged red tile house along the street can allow you to dream back for a second.

He walked south along the village road, and the scenery in front of you had a cave. The mountains of mountains, the unique ponds of Yiyan, the antique suspension bridge, and the red -flowering red trees ... are all amazing. It turns out that there are such beautiful \"landscape paintings\" in the countryside.

According to the staff, this is the waterfront tour experience project of Meijiagou Village, with the village South Reservoir as the core to clear the existing water system of Meijiagou Village. Casums and refuted shores, and a 138 -meter -folded dam was built upstream in the village south reservoir to further optimize the water environment and effectively use village water resources. At the same time, about 490 meters of waterfront boardwalks were built around the south side of the bank, and the viewing platform of the reservoir dam was built to allow tourists to better appreciate the water and mountains here.

Passing through the waterfront tour experience project, continuing to south, where the eyes are, all are surrounded by green. When you walk to the mountainside, walking on the stone road, you will see a huge blessing clock. At this time, you are in the mountain forest scenery prayer project area. Earlier, the existing mountain forests were maintained and renovated, and the cultural characteristics of Meijiagou Village were moderately developed, and the landscape trails, prayer pavilions, prayer clocks and other landscapes were built.

Rural revitalization, the key depends on the industry. In addition to the beautiful scenery in the village, the small house on the shore is also a different scenery. On the white wall, a wonderful plum blossom is like a pair of open arms, welcome everyone's arrival.

According to reports, in order to retain tourists, Yangting Town has built a characteristic homestay project. By developing idle houses and fine transformation of existing houses, two places were created in the waterfront area. Lord's characteristic homestay. The homestay mainly highlights the characteristic culture of \"mountain+water+plum\". While providing tourists with a better leisure experience, it has greatly expanded the leisure tourism resources of Meijiagou. At present, characteristic homestays are renovating internal decoration.

At the same time, the pastoral ecological leisure project is also planned here, that is, based on the Baofeng Ecological Park and the village greenhouses, targeted optimization and development, which will be high -efficiency agriculture and leisure The combination of sightseeing has promoted the further transformation of Meijiagou Village's economic structure. At the same time, encourage postExhibition -free agricultural products, green agricultural products, organic agricultural products, and vigorously develop tertiary industries such as specialty catering, blessing sightseeing, leisure picking, etc., improve supporting service facilities, improve the ability to accept tourists, maximize the advantages of Meijiagou natural resources and location advantages, promote one -to -one The integration and development of the second and third industries.

The revitalization of the countryside, the shape of the casting must be cast soul. Large red roofs, spacious steel frame corridors, transparent floor -to -ceiling glass rooms ... The Meiyi Museum on the west side of the village committee is the \"finishing touch\" of Meijiagou to create a beautiful countryside. \"Here is a space theme display space, which can display plum blossom art, calligraphy and painting, potted plants, but also use it as a small conference room and cultural and creative center.\" furnish.

In addition, a Yangge Square of about 1,800 square meters in the west of the village is another important position for Meijiagou to carry out cultural activities. Here, the villagers can exercise, dance square dance, and can take the children to enjoy the joy ...

In the next step, Yangting Town will continue to surround the industry's revitalization, The overall requirements of ecological revitalization, cultural revitalization, talent revitalization, and organizational revitalization, in accordance with the principles of local conditions, use the \"agricultural+tourism+culture\" model to promote rural rejuvenation in multi -pronged approach, so that the masses can truly gain \"visible and touched touch The dividend of \"\".

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