Dezhou City Promote the Construction of the "One -minute Clock" | Configuration of various formats to meet different needs to meet different needs

Author:Texas Daily Time:2022.06.15

On June 9, the Provincial Department of Commerce publicized the pilot cities of the second batch of provincial cities.

According to the "Pilot Declaration and Review Plan for the Construction of the People's Life Circle of the City" of the Provincial Department of Commerce, the city will plan and build 10 people's living circles per year in accordance with the idea of ​​"two years pilot, three years of promotion", and build a batch The layout, complete format, complete functions, and high -quality service circle. At the end of 2025, the main urban area "one -minute clock" reached full coverage. Among them, in 2022, 10 "one -minute clocks", including Luonan Community, Deyuan Community, and Zhaoxin Community.

In order to promote the construction of the "one -minute clock", our city will strengthen the planning and layout, and find out the number of commercial outlets in the community and the community population structure, income level, consumption habits, consumer demand, etc. According to the situation of different communities, fully consider the foundation of the surrounding commercial development foundation , Realize complementary advantages and misplaced development. At the same time, improve the community business surrounding business format, highlight the characteristics of "convenience, benefit the people, and benefit the people", focusing on different new and old communities, scientifically allocate various formats, meet the daily life needs of residents, and give priority to the development of the most urgent need for the quality of the living quality of residents Kangju, community canteen, specialty restaurants, sports gym, bookstore book bar, child custody and other formats.

Our city will also promote the upgrading of community business files. In new and mature communities, build community supermarkets, adopt the "supermarket+ingredients, catering+life app" service model, build a lifestyle of community residential online consumer offline experience, and develop "None New services such as cash payment "" 24 -hour convenience stores "; in old communities, encourage enterprises to set up" micro -vegetable markets "in communities and buildings, open new formats such as online celebrity stores, guide brand companies to stay, and meet the needs of high -quality consumption in community residents Essence

Produced by Dezhou Daily New Media

Reporter | Wang Depeng Correspondent | Bai Fujin

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