The geographical principle behind the super high temperature this time is deeper than you think

Author:Earth Knowledge Bureau Time:2022.07.21


At the beginning of June, when South China ushered in a strong "dragon boat water", Henan and Shandong in the north encountered high temperature and rainy weather. Although the precipitation in a few days later relieved some droughts, in mid -June, high temperature weather was in order again in order It swept Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Henan and Shandong.

Since July, high temperature weather has gradually shifted to the East China and Sichuan Basin, while Xinjiang, western Inner Mongolia, and Hexi, Gansu have continued high temperatures. On the land of more than 5 million square kilometers, approximately 900 million people have adopted high temperature weather for more than 30 days. The National Climate Center said that during the high temperature process, the highest temperature of 76 national meteorological stations in the country broke through the historical pole.

Every time, the human survival model is more difficult

(Figure: Central Meteorological Observatory) ▼

Caused the recent high -temperature weather in my country, which is the western wind belt located in the north and a subtropical high pressure located in the south. The changes in the atmospheric circulation under the interaction of the two determines the local precipitation and high temperature.

For example, in mid -June, the Northeast Cold Vortex, which was fluctuated in the west wind, brought precipitation to North China, and suppressed the deputy high that was originally going north to stay on the South China Sea. , Henan and Shandong, which are controlled by high -pressure spine, forms high temperatures.

Above: 6 -hour forecast map of 500HPA high field on June 17th

Next: It is the temperature at 2 pm ▼

In July, the deputy high -north moved north, and the Jianghuai area ushered in the heat under its control, and the precipitation on the north side of the deputy high, quickly eased the hot weather of Henan and Shandong.

Above: July 5th 500HPA High Field 6 -hour forecast map

Next: The highest temperature in the day ▼

When we enlarge our horizons, we will find that the northern hemisphere has been so hot in the past month.

The northern hemisphere is the same as this cool heat

In Europe, the heat waves came in mid -June, and on the 13th, the highest temperature in central and southern Spain exceeded 40 ° C; on the 18th, high -temperature records in many places in France were broken, and more than 70 provinces released high -temperature alarms. Since mid -July, Europe has been attacked by heat waves again. On the 14th, Portugal's highest temperature rushed to 47 ° C, approaching the historical value of Europe. The British people who did not install air conditioners also had to face high temperature at 40 ° C.

On June 18, 2022, the surface temperature in some parts of Western Europe

At this time, the temperature in many places is approaching or even more than 40 degrees (when there is no air conditioner)

(Figure: ESA) ▼

On July 13, 2022, the surface temperature in most parts of the Eastern Hemisphere

(Figure: NASA) ▼

In North America, on June 13, many cities in the United States refreshed high temperature records, and more than one -third of the population in the United States was affected. The heat waves came again in early July. In the central and southwestern parts of the United States, many cities broke the high temperature records, and some were even more than 6 ° C higher than the maximum temperature.

It's not that it's not particularly hot one day

It is hotter than one day, and it continues ▼

The weather in China, Europe, and North America is closely related to the west wind band. For example, in mid -June, the severe bending west wind belt was split and named "cut off low pressure" weather system.

Generally speaking, "cut off low pressure" direct control will appear in clouds and rain weather, and precipitation will also affect the surrounding weather system. For example, the cold vortex of the Northeast will bring rainfall in the northeast and North my country in mid -July, while The southern heat wave was eased by suppressing the subtropical high pressure.

Northeast cold vortex under the 500HPA wind farm on July 15th

During the great cooling to the northeast, Liaoning has happened in many places in Liaoning

For short -term heavy precipitation, strong wind, hail and other strong convective weather ▼

However, the position of "cutting low pressure" is very important. For example, in Europe, "cutting low pressure" stays on the west of the Iberian Peninsula for a long time. The land next to it was controlled by continuously strengthened high -pressure spine, so it was sunny and rainy.

The high -pressure spine is lying over the peninsula, the weather is fine, the sunny and hotter

(Bad pressure chart and highest temperature chart under 500HPA on June 18) ▼

What's more, "cutting low pressure" will continue to pull the hot air in North Africa to the north like an engine. Western European region naturally soared. In mid -July, the mode of "cutting off low pressure" and high -pressure spine was exactly the same as in June, and Western Europe also ushered in heat waves again.

The mechanism is the same, the same is true for hot heat

(Bad pressure chart and highest temperature chart under 500HPA on July 12) ▼

In the United States, since mid -June and July, the high -pressure spine formed by fluctuations in western wind controls most of the United States. The continuous sunny weather allowed high temperature to develop rapidly.

You can clearly see the high -pressure ridge at 500HPA on June 17 ▼

On July 16th, the US 500MB height equal high line ▼

In the heat waves in North America, Europe, and East Asia, we all discovered such facts. The subtropical high pressure in different places was anxious to bring high temperature and heat to the local area, but the rapidly changing western bands sometimes suppressed the subtropical high -pressure activities in the fluctuations. Let people enjoy short cooling in the hot summer, sometimes helping to abuse, which exacerbates high temperature weather.

On July 9 this year, Britain refreshed the highest temperature ever ever

Soon after, the first extreme high -temperature red alert has been released in history.

Many people can’t enjoy the happiness of blowing air conditioners, they can only play water

(Left sliding to see the full picture of the beach: Flickr) ▼

On the other hand, it is not accidental to encounter high temperatures in the northern hemisphere in many places in the same time.

Surrounded high -pressure band surrounds the northern hemisphere

In the auxiliary tropical north -south hemisphere, there is a relatively high -value area with air pressure. It is called the "subtropical high -pressure belt". Its direct control area is often sunny and rainy. Due to the three regions of the Mediterranean, the Qinghai -Tibet Plateau and the Luoji Mountains, it is difficult It was controlled by the auxiliary high, so the auxiliary height of the North Hemisphere was divided into the North Atlantic high -pressure belt, Iran's high voltage, and the North Pacific sub -high -pressure band. Global pressure chart at 12 noon on June 15th

Under the role of a large -scale global heating high -voltage belt

The sinking air current is conducive to the heating of the ground, and the clouds are scarce, and the solar radiation is heated again ▼

The "Western Pacific Auxiliary High -pressure Belt" was introduced in the video made before our bureau, which has the impact on my country's seasonal climate.

Iran's high pressure is far from my country, but in summer, it will strengthen and extend to the east to affect the precipitation of the Qinghai -Tibet Plateau and the Yunnan -Guizhou Plateau.

The North Atlantic High -pressure Center is often near the Acel Islands in winter. It is called Acel High pressure, close to Europe, and more affects the winter precipitation that affects Europe. In summer, it is often near the Bermud Islands, called Bermuda high pressure, close to North America, and the weather process that affects North America.

In winter and spring, it is formed above the auxiliary region of the North Atlantic Ocean

Move to the west in summer and autumn ▼

In the recent period, "Iran's High pressure" and "Xitai Vice Gao" overcome the blocking of the Qinghai -Tibet Plateau and connected. At the same time, the "Pacific Deputy High" and "Atlantic Vice -High" also overcome the blocking of the Rocky Mountains and connecting it. The subtropical high -pressure band is really formed. In addition to the expansion of the scope, the intensity is also stronger than in previous years.

The atmosphere under the direct control of the auxiliary height prevails, and the middle and upper atmosphere sinking will cause the lower level to increase the temperature. Coupled with the boasting of the sun in the sun in the sun, the northern hemisphere continental area has formed a wide range of high temperature weather.

In cooperation with several high -pressure Tongli, a group surrounds a high -temperature circle ▼

Another big hand: West wind band fluctuations

The opening and strengthening of the subtropical high -pressure zone provided background conditions for the heat waves in the northern hemisphere, but there was a big hand that continued to adjust and modify this background. This is the prevailing western band.

The temperature difference between the hotness of the equator and the cold of the polar ground causes the air from the equator to the pole from the equator, and the strong western wind corridor is created under the action of the ground bias. The gas is 110km/h (equivalent to 30.6m/s/s/s ) The speed is bypassing the entire earth. This western wind zone is not always straight, and it is often blocked by the tall mountains and the invasion of the north -south cold and cold air. It actually presented as a winding wind belt.

Although the form is always changing, it is easy to generate a cyclone

But the essence is the wind belt from the west to the east in the middle latitude ▼

The fluctuations of the western wind look messy, sometimes fierce, sometimes gentle, sometimes wide, and sometimes fragmented. For example, the large spine that runs throughout the north and south, such as the cutting low pressure split from the western European coast due to the severe jitter, and the cold vortex system that penetrates into the northeast of my country, no matter what kind of fluctuations will have a significant impact on the local weather. Therefore, we need to understand the formation of these fluctuations and its laws.

Here we can decompose the fluctuations on the western wind and discuss issues at different standards. The short-wave life cycle is short, the movement is fast, the long wave has a long life cycle, and the movement is relatively slow. Generally The two parts of the larger part are particularly important.

December 23, 1963 08:500HPA and other crimsm maps

The western wind belt, at the same time, contains long waves and short waves, relatively messy

Some short waves can be seen directly (labeled), and some are stacked on the long wave

"Weather Principles and Methods" ▼

December 21 ~ 25, 1963

"Weather Principles and Methods" ▼

The strength and movement of large grooves caused by long waves produced by the west wind to a large extent determines the weather in the northern hemisphere. Generally speaking, the front of the groove corresponds to a large -scale rising motion and the clouds and rain weather areas. The front ridge of the groove corresponds to the large -scale sinking movement and the sunny weather area. The short wave changes are relatively rapid, and its generation is elusive. It can be superimposed on the long waves to deepen or weaken the groove and ridge.

In addition to the influence of the northern hemisphere, in addition to the influence of the northern hemisphere, it also has a synchronous impact on the overall northern hemisphere. When the temperature difference between the north and the south of the west wind band is weak, the overall west wind belt tends to be relatively straight. At this time, the number of north -south heat exchange is small, and the difference between the north and the south will increase; when the temperature difference is too large, the calories need to be exchanged in the north and south directions to achieve a balance to reach balance. As a result, the western wind zone developed into a large -scale disturbance, forming a large groove and large ridge, until the heat exchange reduces the temperature difference between the north and the south again, and the western band will become straight again.

This causes heat waves and floods in the northern hemisphere to produce several thousand or even tens of thousands of kilometers. The heat waves that occurred at the same time in East Asia, Europe and North America in June this year are related to this mechanism. Similarly, heat waves occurred in North America, Western Europe, and the Lili region in the summer of 2018. There was a heavy rain in Southeast Europe and Japan at the same time, which was also related to the fluctuation structure of the west wind band.

The wind farm under 500HPA on June 16th

You can see the high -pressure ridge formed by the West Wind Belt in North America and Western Europe ▼

Studies have shown that some often appear volatile structures on the western wind bands have an important impact on important grain production areas. The high temperature droughts caused by it would pose a threat to global food safety. At two weeks or longer, global crop output will decrease by 4%, and regional output will decrease by 11%. The fluctuation of the west wind with a specific form will cause high temperature and drought weather at the same time in the northern hemisphere at the same time

(Sliding look at the long picture) ▼

global warming

Entering the 2003, 2013, and 2017 in my country since the 21st century, there have been large -scale continuous high temperature events. In the same period, the summer high temperature heat waves in the northern hemisphere have become more frequent. The China Meteorological Administration said that global warming is the root cause of frequent high temperature heat wave incidents. Essence The National Climate Center said that in June this year, the global average temperature was about 0.4 ° C higher than the annual year. It was the highest since 1979. Global warming is a frequent climate background in the high -temperature heat wave incident in the northern hemisphere.

What you are spent is likely to be the coolest year in the next life ▼

On the one hand, through a simple understanding, under the conditions of the global average heating, heat waves should be more likely to occur, with higher temperature and longer time.

The fact is true. The Sixth Evaluation Report of the UN Intergovernmental Climate Change Commission pointed out that the average global average temperature between 2011 and 2020 has increased by 1.09 ° C from the average value of 1850-1900. Essence

At the same time, since 1950, it can basically be sure that the frequency, strength, and duration of heat waves in almost all land areas have increased. The fifth evaluation report released in 2014 has pointed out the changes in the heat wave event. In the past 8 years, scientists have obtained richer information and adopted more reliable methods, and the credibility of this conclusion has also been improved.

When it is so hot that I can't bear it, I can only jump when I see the water

(The same picture of the puppy: shutterstock) ▼

On the other hand, global warming has made the climate more unstable, and the climate system is undergoing complex changes. This means that global warming will affect the high temperature weather in the northern hemisphere by changing indirect methods such as the atmospheric, marine circulation and surface status. The volatility of the subtropical high -pressure band and the western wind belt as a promoter that causes high temperature heat waves will also change in climate change.

Studies have shown that in recent years, the fluctuations in the Western West Belt have become more violent, increasing the heat waves in western North America and Central Asia, cold waves in eastern North America, droughts in central North America, Europe and Central Asia, and the probability of West Asia's rainstorm.

The world since the globalization is a whole, and the change of "local" through international trade will affect the "distant" in each global market, just like the Ukrainian war will affect the food security of Energy use and developing countries in Europe and the United States.

At the beginning of the atmosphere of the head, every corner of the world is connected. The "distant" on the other side of the ocean and the opposite side of the mainland is closely linked. The information network provides us with objective conditions for understanding these associations.

There is no doubt that as modern people, we should understand the changes in climate and weather from a higher and more comprehensive perspective. After all, the truth of this world is far greater than our personal vision.

Reference materials:

1. National Climate Center:

2. Tao Tao Fengyun:

3. World Meteorological Organization:


6. "The Principles and Methods and Methods", Zhu Qiangen, Lin Jinrui

7. Lin Zhiqiang, Xue Guanping, He Xiaohong. Iran's high pressure east side's impact on the precipitation during the flood season of the Tibet Plateau [J]. Meteorological, 2015,41 (02): 153-159.



12. records/10023708002/





17. SPM = C45404.pchhhgx3efbe.ev0xvtu8cown.

*The content of this article is provided for the author, which does not represent the position of the Earth Investment Bureau

Cover: shutterstock


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