The happy life of the people is the largest human rights 丨 Dongting Lake retreats to the fisherman's well -off life ledger

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.07.21

Xinhua News Agency, Changsha, July 21st: Dongting Lake retreats with a well -off life ledger of fishermen

Xinhua News Agency reporter Ruan around

In the new village of fishermen in Qijiang City, Hunan Province, 10 17 -story elevator rooms have been capped. Around 6 buildings construction, tower hangs, engineering vehicles go back and forth, and workers are working in the world.

In 2021, the key waters of the Yangtze River Basin officially entered the "Ten Years of Fishing Periods". Qijiang City was one of the most important districts and counties in Hunan Province. It was deployed one year in advance. In order to steadily promote the overall relocation of the Fisherman of the Island Island and ensure that they live with confidence, the Qijiang Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government study decided to build a new village of fishermen in 2020, uniformly resettle the movement of the island to relocate fishermen. Standard discounts subscribe to houses. During the resettlement transition, the households were used as the unit, and the municipal government would uniformly issue a monthly rental subsidy of 800 yuan.

Fishermen's new village is located in the southeast of Qijiang City. The community pipeline network, green belt, neighborhood activity center and other facilities are complete. There are many schools in the surrounding neighborhoods, covering kindergartens to high schools, providing good living security for ashore fishermen. In the future, it will also support the construction of fishing culture museums, community service centers, hotels, etc.

Huang Jianjun, director of the Office of the Fisherman's New Village Construction Headquarters, said that the project is expected to be completed and completed by the end of 2022. It is centrally resettled by 1229 households of 336 households in 336 households living in three fishermen villages in Tongzhu Shan Village, Lianhua Island Village, and Penghu Village on the island of Dongting Lake Island. Essence

From fishing to ashore, many people choose to change their minds and start a new life in a "rice bowl". After decades of fishermen, Tu Xiaonian took the initiative to go to the construction site of the fisherman's new village to work in the construction site.

Before landing, Tu Xiaonian's family of four lived in Penghu Village and lived for generations. After landing, he and his wife rented a house of more than 100 square meters in Qijiang City. "Although I am reluctant to live on the island, we still have to leave resources to future generations. Moving into urban travel, family medical treatment, and children are convenient."

Tu Xiaonian's family is looking forward to moving into a new home. A pair of their children have graduated and worked, and their wives enjoy life with peace of mind and often jump in square dance. The family of four is preparing a new home little by little.

In order to allow the fishermen after ashore to have a stable sources of employment and income, Qijiang City issued the "Article 20 of the Fishermen's Assistance Measures for Fishermen in Qijiang City" in 2020. The five major blocks are supported by the resignation of fishermen to help the fishermen. As of the end of 2021, the city organized a total of 8 special recruitment fairs, more than 150 companies participated, and provided more than 15,000 positions.

Like Tu Xiaonian, after many fishermen went ashore, they took the initiative to learn skills such as driving, cement, carpentry and other skills to lay the foundation for future employment. Xiahu, 29, learned the tower crane technology and obtained the qualification certificate. After training, he became a tower crane worker with a monthly income of about 7,000 yuan. "Mastering a technology is the cost of settlement." Xia Hu said.

Some older generations of fishermen with older ages and relatively single skills, on the basis of enjoying various government assistance measures, spontaneously twist into a rope to help each other.

In November 2020, two fishermen resigned and established the Qionglian Labor Co., Ltd. of Qijiang City, with training programs such as housekeeping, infant education, electrical maintenance, e -commerce, and provided students with opportunities.

Lianhua Island Village retired fisherman Wang Kelian to participate in the training company to participate in the training company, and learned home appliance cleaning technology. At the age of 51, he is hardworking and willing to learn, and he will actively register every time he has a short -term job opportunity. After more than a year of experience, he has completely mastered this skill and became the head of the company's home appliance cleaning department. Last year, his labor income was nearly 20,000 yuan.

In a labor service company, there are more than 70 fishermen who have retired from 50 years old than Wang Kelian. "Fishermen to study and work together can not only learn new skills, but also alleviate the anxiety of just ashore." Peng Haijun, general manager of Qionglian Labor Company, said that in 2021, 73 laborers have found jobs. Workers' labor costs each month are nearly 5,000 yuan.

As of the end of 2021, Qijiang City has issued 18 people with a loan of entrepreneurial guarantee for the retreat of the fishermen, with a total amount of 3.51 million yuan; in 2021, 702 people enjoyed urban and rural minimum guarantee, and 717 fishermen went ashore to study and all enjoyed national funding. The participation rate of the fisherman's endowment insurance is 100%.

【Edit: Chen Haifeng】

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