The key links of dust governance are covered!Texas promotes clean production audit to help enterprises transform and upgrade

Author:Texas Radio and Television Sta Time:2022.06.15

On June 15, Texas held the fifth press conference of the theme series of the "First Camp Economic Project". "related information.

The Texas Ecological and Environment Bureau has identified the construction of the Dust Dust Pollution Prevention and Supervision Service System and the implementation of clean production audits to help enterprises transform and upgrade two "first -hand business environment projects".

Construction of "Texas Dust Pollution Prevention and Supervision Service System"

Construction content and characteristics. Persist in problems, goals, tasks, and needs, focusing on the "six one", that is,: a set of databases, a set of video systems, a set of AI algorithm engine, a set of assessment standards, a set of business systems and a set of mobiles Users, focus on creating a new system of "smart supervision and thoughtful service", and achieve full coverage of key links of dust governance.

The supervision service system integrates the dust online monitoring, construction machinery vehicles, video surveillance and other data from the ecological environment, housing construction, urban management, administrative approval and other departments to achieve massive data resources. Using technical means such as big data analysis, automatic identification, automatic certificates and automatic warnings of construction sites, commercial mixed enterprises, municipal engineering and other venues, road dust, material stacks, etc. , Optimize the tracking and sales process to achieve intelligent analysis of data, accurate positioning of problems, and closed -loop disposal of tasks.

Important role in service decisions and service enterprises. In terms of service decision -making, establish and improve the performance assessment system for dust governance, evaluate the duties of departments, counties and cities, and the level of dust governance of the construction site enterprise, and conduct a key analysis of the backward departments, counties, and construction sites. Governance policy formulation and supervision and management provide decision -making support. In terms of service enterprises, by establishing a fast and convenient online information service system and fault tolerance mechanism, companies that complete the problem rectification within the prescribed period are exempted from punishment. Through positive incentives, guide enterprises to raise awareness of law -abiding, improve management level, and reduce dust emissions.

Promote clean production audit to help enterprises transform and upgrade

(1) content and characteristics of project construction. First, focusing on energy, building materials, chemical industry, printing and dyeing, packaging and printing, accurate policies and continuous efforts to implement clean production to promote the improvement of traditional industries. The second is to carry out the overall clean production audit of the park in Leling City Circular Economic Demonstration Park to promote the improvement of clean production performance in the park, realize complementary advantages in the region, efficient resources and energy use, and form advanced and promoted advanced experience and typical cases of typical cases. Essence The third is to take the compulsory clean production audit work as the starting point. Through a comprehensive analysis of the original and auxiliary materials, technical crafts, equipment, etc., it will implement the technical management measures of energy conservation and consumption reduction, and improving efficiency and increase efficiency. Clean production levels such as resource energy consumption, waste production, and pollutant emissions. At the same time, increase the policy technology and funding support for key enterprises and industrial parks, and help green development, low -carbon development, and circular development.

(2) The role of project service enterprises. The first is to conduct compulsory clean production audits on key industries, and implement systemic clean production transformation such as energy conservation, water saving, material saving, pollution reduction, and carbon reduction, and promote the "one enterprise, one policy" green transformation and upgrading of key enterprises to achieve from the obsession The management of discharge elements such as wastewater, exhaust gas, and solid waste has changed to the source, process, and end process management transformation to promote enterprise energy conservation and consumption reduction, production increase, pollution reduction, and improve quality and efficiency. Second, by promoting the implementation of the overall cleaning production audit point of the industrial park, from the levels of key enterprises, enterprises, parks, and industrial clusters, we will carry out the analysis of resource elements, material metabolism, and energy steps of energy. Clean production plans to achieve continuous optimization of key production technology in industrial parks, greatly reduced carbon emissions and sewage intensity, effectively improve the industrial symbiotic level between enterprises, and more efficient material circulation use, providing experience in carrying out overall clean production work in other parks in our city Dharma to demonstrate the promotion of the development of green and low -carbon circulation in the whole region. Third, through the implementation of clean production audit, pollution reduction is realized, and the total amount of major pollutants is used to support the construction of new reform and expansion projects, and provide the project to provide the project's total index element guarantee.

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