Jinda County Social Organizations Against the Epidemium Anti -Epidemic Anti -Epidemia

Author:Golden Tower Time:2022.07.21

The Jinsha County Civil Affairs Bureau actively guides the organization of social organizations to conscientiously implement the deployment requirements of the provincial, municipal, and county committees, comprehensively participate in the prevention and control of the epidemic, and contributes to the safety of the people's lives and physical health in the county, and has been well received by the people.

Party building leads to promote consensus. Faced with the severe situation of epidemic prevention and control, social organizations comprehensive party committees held a party member meeting in a timely manner, arranged and deployed the epidemic prevention and control work, and formulated and issued the "Notice on Giving Drawing on the Prosperity of Social Organizations to help epidemic prevention and control work", "Mobilization and specifications on mobilization and specifications The County Social Organization Actively Participated in the Proposal of Epidemium Prevention and Control "requires social organizations to actively participate in the prevention and control of the epidemic by party building as a leading advantage. Effectively unify the thoughts and actions of party organizations and party members of various social organizations into the preparation of the prevailing and control work of the county.

Political agency interactive service. All social organizations in the county actively responded, and the party members of the branch took the lead in play the role of vanguard model, actively cooperated with various departments and communities, to convene volunteers with willing and protective knowledge to join the epidemic prevention team to form a "community+social worker+social organization volunteer" epidemic prevention. Models, all social organizations are fully assisted in the community to carry out epidemic prevention work such as epidemic prevention knowledge, management and care of personnel, and distribution of living materials, and effectively enrich the prevention and control force of the epidemic, ensure that the epidemic prevention work can be meticulous, exquisite, and extreme.

Charity Public Welfare Protection. Wide publicity and active mobilization in the county, guide social organizations to strengthen social responsibility, actively donate and donate materials, and contribute to the prevention and control of the epidemic. Since the beginning of this year, all social organizations in the county have enthusiastically invested in donating materials activities. A total of 2004,195 yuan, of which: 150,8800 yuan for good models, 49,5395 yuan for materials, effectively giving play to social responsibility and making positive contributions to the county's epidemic prevention and control work. (Yang Jing)

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