Gansu Forest Fire Fire Young Volunteer Service Team helps college entrance examinations

Author:Gansu Forest Fire Time:2022.06.08

On June 7, the annual college entrance examination kicked off. The teams have extensively carried out young volunteer service activities in Pingliang, Qingyang, Longnan, Tianshui, Gannan, Zhangye and other places, served students to take the exam, passed the fire protection love, cheered with practical behaviors, escorted the college entrance examination, and demonstrated the general team Young volunteers have a good spiritual style!

College Entrance Examination Love Service Station



\"Hello, I am a student who takes the college entrance examination, please give me a mask?\" The test is good. \"On the first day of the start of the exam, the parents of the candidates were anxiously waiting outside the examination room. In order to ensure that the candidates successfully completed the\" big test of life \", young volunteers from the Gansu Forest Fire Corps at the service point sent the stationery bag to the candidates Send drinking water to parents and test sites, and provide warm -hearted services such as epidemic prevention supplies, emergency drugs, and temporary rest.

The college entrance examination loves through traffic


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\"Thank you so much, go to the school gate to pick us up, providing us with great convenience.\" The Zhangye Municipal Party Committee, Zhangye Municipal Transportation Bureau, and Zhangye Education Bureau formed a \"Love Aid Exam, Dream -by Future\" shuttle service team, and provided two medium -bus cars as car test vehicles, facing school candidates, and providing service delivery services throughout the exam. At the same time, at various test sites, the volunteer service team parked emergency vehicles at the school gate, preparing to pick up and drop off candidates at any time.

Academic Entrance Examination Love escort team



\"Comrade, please stop, the school in front is in the college entrance examination, please detour.\" Walking through the traffic population, assisting the traffic police to guide the pick -up vehicles, carefully guided the crowd, and opened the road of triumph in the examination room for candidates. At the same time, the joint armed police and the special police carried out mobile patrols around the examination room to maintain the order of the scene, supporting a \"protective umbrella\" for college entrance examination students, and \"Flame Blue\" became a beautiful wind outside the college entrance examination room.Line.

It is understood that on June 7, the team's volunteer service team has accumulated services and pick -up candidates and candidates and candidates.A total of more than 1,000 items such as drinking water, heatstroke prevention drugs, epidemic prevention materials, and college entrance examination stationery.

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