Standardized Great Change 丨 Miquan Forest Farm Gengsheng Village: Jian Xiumei Bay Farm helps the development of the forest recreation industry

Author:Changning Media Center Time:2022.07.20

Since the launch of the standardization of rural governance, the Yaquan Forest Farm has adhered to the development concept of "green water and green mountains is the golden mountains and silver mountains". According to the characteristics of different bay fields, the creation of Xiumei Bay Farm has been continuously improved, the village's livable environment is vigorously improved, and the forests are consolidated to strengthen the growing forests. The foundation of Kangyang Industry presents a colorful picture of village beauty, industry interest, and rich people.

In the midsummer season, when you walk into Zhangjiawan, Gengsheng Village, you only see the mountains around the mountains, the peaks and mountains are crowded, and the beautiful antique houses in the bay field are particularly conspicuous. The green plants in front of the house can be seen everywhere. The beautiful rural scenery makes people feel refreshed.

"I live here. The sanitary environment and infrastructure in the village are very good, and the air is also fresh." Villager Xiao Baiqing said.

The construction of the "Xiumei Village" is the key to the participation of the whole people. The villagers are the main body of the villagers. By organizing party members and cadres to enter the village to carry out the "knocking on the door", the standardization of urban and rural governance is issued to inform the villagers a letter, the village regulations, and the development of standardized window windows to guide the masses to actively participate in standardization work. Familiar. Deepen the "five -home -to -house" activity of party members, calling on mobilizing more than 30 party members and cadres and villagers' groups to go to the household to demonstrate first, start from self, start from the environmental hygiene around them, and follow the environmental sanitation. , Better than family, better than civilization, be the beautiful family and the owner of Xiumei Village in the new era.

Guo Jun, the director of the Urban and Rural Governance Office of Miyuquan Forest Farm, told reporters: "In the village construction, we invite the three veterans, the old party members, the old cadres and the old seniors. There are also big reviews and small prizes to make suggestions to create a clean, refreshing, and comfortable living environment. "

At the same time, Gengsheng Village is based on the landscape resource endowment of mountains and rivers, and adapts to local conditions and starts to promote the construction of Xiumei Bay Farm. Relying on the overall antique exterior wall decoration format of the Zhangjiawan Group, the construction of the river hatch greening, ecological vegetable garden and other Xiu Mei villages are created based on the dredging of the river in front of the house, the green planting green planting green planting green green planting green, The development of the economy's economic direction; the Nanjiang Garden Group focuses on the improvement of the ancient trees' famous wood viewing environment, and reproduces the beautiful bay field of the "Quick Trail and the Ancient Tree Famous Wood"; Guide development in the direction of food culture.

"We will make precise policies and continue to carry out the construction of Xiumei courtyard and Xiumei village. At the same time, combined with the development of catering and homestays in combination with the forest -recreational industry, the residents of Kangyang gradually increased, so that the income of this local villagers has steadily increased." Said.

Good mountains and rivers and good bay fields, the local forest -owned health industry is full of water. While adhering to the positioning of livable tourism, Gengsheng Village vigorously develops forests and recreational industries such as "Forest Hanging Family" and "Forest Book House". , Local villagers have increased their income by nearly 3,000 yuan per capita.

Reporter: He Huan

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