The national procuratorial organs handled 107,000 public interest lawsuits in the first half of the year

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.07.20

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 20th. The Supreme People's Procuratorate released the main case handling data of the national procuratorate from January to June, 2022. Data show that in the first half of this year, the national procuratorial organs filed a total of 107,000 cases of public interest litigation, an increase of 32.3%year -on -year. Among them, there were 13,000 cases of civil public interest litigation and 94,000 cases of administrative public interest litigation.

The person in charge of the Supreme Procuratorate Management Office stated that 2022 is the "quality construction year" of procuratorial work. The national procuratorial organs actively actively perform their duties in accordance with the law, optimize the allocation of judicial resources, innovate judicial cases, improve the quality and efficiency of judicial cases, promote criminal, civil, civilized, and civilian, civil, civilian, civilian, civil, civilian, civilian, civilian, civilian, civil, civilian, civilian, civil, civilian, civil, civilian, civilian, civil, and civil, and civil, civil, and civil, civilians, Administrative and public interest litigation procuratorial work has been fully coordinated and fully developed.

Data also show that from January to June this year, the national procuratorial organs approved and decided to arrest 222,000 suspects of various types of criminals, a year -on -year decrease of 51.2%; 139,000 people were not arrested, a year -on -year decrease of 21.3%. A total of 681,000 prosecutions decreased by 14.4%year -on -year; decided not to prosecute 209,000, an increase of 55.7%year -on -year.

In the first half of this year, the national procuratorial organs set up a total of 35,000 cases of civil -effective referee supervision, an increase of 5.2%year -on -year; 23,000 procuratorial suggestions were proposed for illegal acts of civil trial activities, an increase of 28%year -on -year; procuratorials were proposed to illegal acts of civil execution activities. It is recommended to be 26,000, a year -on -year increase of 22.7%. A total of 8,269 cases of administrative administrative referees were formed by procuratorial organs, of which 88 were protest to the court. It proposed 139 retrial procuratorial proposals, and the court ruled 50 retrial, with a adoption rate of 36%, an increase of 20.5 percentage points year -on -year.

The newly revised minor protection law and prevention of the criminal law prevention of minors have continued to be deeply implemented in the past one year. In the first half of the year, the national procuratorial organs approved the arrest of 6988 suspects of minor criminals in the first half of the year. They did not arrest 12,223. They did not catch 63.6%, an increase of 17.9 percentage points year -on -year, which was higher than the overall criminal criminal without arrest rate of 24.4 percentage points. During the same period, 16,159 people were approved for the crime of infringing minors.

[Editor in charge: Qiu Lifang]

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