Kaifeng Wangtai District, Kaifeng, Henan: Marriage and custom reform is "reduced burden" for love

Author:Ministry of Civil Affairs Time:2022.07.20

As the first batch of "National Wedding Customs Reform Experimental Zone", Yuwangtai District, Kaifeng City, Henan Province is based on excellent culture, emancipate the mind, moves the customs and customs, and combines the "capacity building year" activity to solidly promote the reform of marriage customs to allow more and more more and more The family has established the correct marriage values, and has gradually formed a new style of civilization marriage customs in society.

In order to use the old customs, the district established a leadership group of marriage custom reform, and issued policy documents such as the "Three -Year Action Plan for the Wedding Reform of Yuwangtai District" and "Yuwangtai District to carry out the implementation plan for the push of the customs and customs" The division of responsibilities has been carried out in an orderly manner. At the same time, the township office combined with the actual revision and improvement of the residents 'conventions, refined the village regulations and the people's treaty, exerted the advantages of residents' autonomy, and issued 20,000 marriage custom reform initiatives to propagate the households by the community. Make a letter; use WeChat public account, community propaganda column, cultural wall, etc. to carry out policy propaganda; create a lecturer team with strong business capabilities and rich practical experience, carry out more than 50 preaching of moral lecture halls, allow the masses to receive education in ears, guide the masses to consciously conscious Resisting sky -high prices, big exercises.

Promote marriage customs and arts into campuses, wedding customs into the community, and marriage customs. Yuwangtai District is precisely selected various types of communication points, promoting new folk customs and directional transmission of new concepts for different groups and places, and regularly carried out "good mother -in -law · good daughter -in -law" and "wedding customs new style most beautiful family" series of selection activities, driving marriage custom reforms in depth In the corners of various places, we build a civilized wedding customs and share the achievements of civilized wedding customs.

Incorporate the wedding custom into the different stages of marriage before and after marriage, and guide the practice of the new fashion of civilized wedding customs in multiple directions. Yuwangtai District carefully planned to guide unmarried young people to absorb good customs with the help of a dating platform for dating and dating platforms, to organize collective promises of collective wedding organizations, issued a "rejecting high -color gifts, promoting the new fashion" initiative, and held a marriage psychological counseling lecture at the same time. , Guide the masses to create a happy marriage, build a happy family, take the lead in promoters of marriage custom reforms, freshman communications, and practitioners who are easy to move and customs.

The district continues to show the essence of traditional marriage customs, continuously strengthens the people's attention and awe of marriage, and realizes the organic integration of excellent marriage customs and modern life. Construction of the wedding customs exhibition hall on the second floor of the district marriage registration department, creating a museum of wedding customs, showing the evolution of Chinese marriage books, the development of marriage relations, and the opening up of society since the Qing Dynasty. Create a demonstration district of two -level wedding customs in the township and townships. Through wall painting, poetry, proverbs and other forms, we carefully create a "cultural wall" with graphics and texts and the masses, and advocate the new style of tree civilization, resisting sky -high gifts, and opposing vulgar marriage.

In the reform of the marriage customs, Yuwangtai District also guided the masses to establish the marriage concept of "storms and rain, mutual responsibility, and mutual love" through activities such as lecture stories and lantern riddles. Love "burden reduction" and add color to "Beautiful Yu Wangtai".

Source: People's Daily Online

Author: Xiao Honghui

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