There is no need to have an unemployment certificate!Shandong applying for unemployment insurance benefits, only the ID card or social security card information requires

Author:Peninsula Metropolis Daily Time:2022.07.20

Reporter Wang Xiaohan Correspondent Fan Hongyan

On July 20, the Provincial Government News Office held a press conference to introduce employment in Shandong Province in the first half of the year.

The State Council's executive meeting has repeatedly studied the continuation of reducing rates, continuing to implement the policy of stabilizing the job, and the use of unemployment insurance funds to support stabilization and training. What are the policies of unemployment insurance this year? How does the Human Resources Department implement these policies?

According to Zhang Chengbo, the person in charge of the Unemployment Insurance Department of the Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, according to the deployment of the State Council, according to the series of notifications issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, in conjunction with the relevant departments, our province quickly implemented the skill of the unemployment insurance to prevent unemployment in the presence of unemployment insurance. As of the end of June, the province's unemployment insurance insured reached 15.612 million, the scope of protection was further expanded, the fund's guarantee capabilities were further enhanced, and the "three -pronged" of posts, skills, and loss of business have achieved staged results.

Stable and stabilize positions, and effectively help enterprises to relieve them. Continuing the implementation of the unemployment insurance premium rate in staging, the unemployment insurance rate is maintained at 1%. In the first six months of this year, the cost of employers and individuals' payment was 10.27 billion yuan. Top grid implements the policy of stabilizing the job, increasing the proportion of large -scale enterprises to the return of large enterprises to 50%, and the proportion of small and medium -sized enterprises and reference to the execution unit to be increased to 90%. Up to now, 990 million yuan of stable return funds for 61,000 households have been issued, and 2.195 million are stable in employment. Added one -time reserved training subsidy and one -time expansion subsidy. Last year's unemployment insurance fund rolling deposit removal period was more than 2 years of coordinated areas. According to the standard of 500 yuan/person, it was a one -time reserved enterprise that was seriously affected by the epidemic of new crown pneumonia in 2022. Training subsidy. Support enterprises to absorb college graduates of the year, in accordance with the standards of up to 1500 yuan/person, in order to enroll the graduates of college graduates, sign labor contracts and participate in unemployment insurance, they will distribute one -time expansion subsidy.

Make up skills and effectively improve employment competitiveness. From the perspective of the training process, the unemployment subsidies for vocational training for vocational training organized by vocational training institutions established in accordance with the law during the receipt of unemployment insurance premiums will issue vocational training subsidies. From the point of view of the training effect, the scope of the benefit of the subsidy of the skill improvement, the object of the subsidy distribution of the skill improvement to the unemployed persons during the receipt of the unemployment insurance premium, the application conditions for the employee of the enterprise continued to relax until the unemployment insurance was more than 12 months or more. In the first half of the year, the province issued a subsidy of 158 million yuan to the province, and benefited 98,600 employees participating in enterprises.

Leave your life with all your life. On the one hand, continue to implement the expansion policy of unemployment insurance protection, and issue unemployment subsidies for unemployed and unemployed people who have not employed the unemployment insurance period at the expiration of unemployment insurance. The unemployed migrant workers are distributed for temporary life subsidies. On the other hand, continue to do a good job of paying three insurance benefits: First, the unemployed insurance premiums who have been employed for one year, they are not interrupted by their wishes, and have job search requirements; The aged unemployed persons who have expired and are less than one year before the legal retirement age continue to issue unemployment insurance to the legal retirement age; the third is to issue one -time living subsidy for unemployed migrant workers who have participated in the insurance for one year. In the first half of the year, the cumulative 326,800 unemployed people issued an unemployment insurance for 2.6 billion yuan.

In order to promote the implementation of the above policies, the "unblocked and safety office" action was carried out. The first is "free running". Completely implement online processing, log in to the national social insurance public service platform, the website of the people and social departments of the Insurance Social Society, or apply through the electronic social security card, palm 12333 and other applications. Skills improvement subsidies are applied through the official website of the "Shandong Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security". The second is "exemption to enjoy". Implement the stabilization and return policy, and adopt the information comparison method to screen the enterprises that meet the application conditions, and push the return information to the enterprise to confirm through the online business through the online business. The third is "the exemption is to do". To apply for unemployment insurance benefits, you only need to be an unemployed ID card or social security card information. There is no need to provide an unemployment certificate, no need to transfer employee files, no need to sign in on -site. The number of one -time retained workers is issued according to the number of people participating in the unemployment insurance and paid by the enterprise. No enterprise provides training plans, training qualification certificates, employee roster, and proof of production and operation.

In the next step, the Provincial Human Resources and Social Affairs Department will continue to increase policy propaganda interpretation, improve the service capacity of the operation, and continue to release the dividend of the unemployment insurance policy.

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