Ukraine: Must win before winter

Author:Cctv4 Time:2022.07.20

The Russian -Ukraine conflict has lasted for nearly 5 months. Ukraine emphasized on the 19th that it was necessary to win before the winter, and said that Ukraine was preparing to use Western weapons to destroy the Black Sea fleet of Russia and regain Crimea. The Ukrainian military has recently said that it has stabilized the front line.

The director of the Ukrainian President's Office, Ye Ermack, said in an interview on the 19th that Ukraine must defeat Russia before the winter, otherwise the Russian army will have more time to stabilize the battlefield situation, and the Ukraine's counterattack will become more difficult. Yeermark also expressed his hope that the United States would provide enough weapons to Ukraine through the weapon lease bill so that the Ukraine would win before the winter.

According to the British "Times" reported on the 19th, Garvololov, deputy minister of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, said in an interview that Ukraine is preparing to use the weapons provided by the West to destroy the Black Sea fleet of Russia and regain Crimea. He said that the Ukrainian army is strengthening its anti -ship missile capabilities and waiting to receive more long -range strike weapons to launch an offense in the Black Sea.

The commander -in -chief of the Ukraine Armed Forces recently stated in social media that the Ukrainian armed forces have managed to stabilize the front line. An important factor that contributed to the Ukraine's defense line and position is the timely delivery of weapons such as the "Hamas" high -engine rocket system. These equipment have made targeted strikes on the goals such as enemy ammunition and fuel library.

In addition, the Minister of Defense Lezonikov suggested that the West tested new weapons in Ukraine in Ukraine on the 19th in the U.S. Think Tank's "Atlantic Council". Laznikov said that Ukraine was interested in testing modern weapon systems in actual combat, and was willing to invite weapon manufacturers to test new products in Ukraine.

Source: CCTV4 "China News"

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