China Economic Daily: In the first half of the year, special bonds support a total of over 23,800 projects

Author:Dahe Cai Cube Time:2022.07.20

Investment is an important starting point for stable macroeconomics. Data show that the special bonds in the first half of the year supported over 23,800 projects in various places.

From the perspective of regions, as of now, Liaoning has all issued bond funds this year, leaving a lot of time for the construction of bond projects in various places. Hubei has issued a total of 160.6 billion yuan in special bonds throughout the year. Chongqing has issued 111.5 billion yuan in special bonds, mainly investing in the fields of municipal and industrial park infrastructure, transportation infrastructure and other fields.

Data show that from January to June, more than 23,800 projects have been issued in various places, including about 10,800 projects under construction, and about 13,000 new projects. A total of more than 240 billion yuan of special bond funds are arranged in various places for major project capital; market -oriented supporting financing exceeds 530 billion yuan, which continues to drive an effective investment.

Ling Hua, Director of the Macroeconomic Research Center of China Institute of Finance and Science: Clearly guaranteed major projects in terms of fund use, such as the clear projects of major projects in our "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan", as well as some major projects of regional economic development. In these projects, it can play a role in expanding effective investment and stabilizing the economy.

Responsible editor: Tao Jiyan | Review: Li Zhen | Director: Wan Junwei

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