Pudong Sam Member Store unloaded and replenished every night until the early morning!The surrounding residents feel that "the bed is shaking"

Author:Jiefang Daily Time:2022.07.20

In the summer, some large business super businesses have become popular in Summer City. Recently, Gaoke West Road Store in the Samshumi Member Store in Beicai Town, Pudong New District, because the business is so good, the complaints from residents in the nearby community

"As soon as the large truck entered and exited at night, the car engine and the cold link compressor kept roaring, and the unloading operation brought various noise, and the noise was very noisy." Through the Jiefang Daily · Shangguan News Interactive Platform for help, saying that a Sam membership store next to the community is almost 24 hours of noise. Especially at night in the supermarket concentrated replenishment, the unloading noise is as high as 60 decibels, and no noise reduction measures have been seen after repeated communication, which has brought a lot of trouble for residents to rest normally.

△ The picture shows the Sam Member Store Gaoke West Road Store. The distant districts in the picture are Jinhua Xinyuan.

One wall is separated, the supermarket unloading is constant

The Sam Member Store Gaoke West Road is located at the intersection of Xianan South Road in Gaoke West Road. From the map, Jinhua Xinyuan and Jinheng Community are tied on the south side of the supermarket. Especially in the Jinheng Community, the northernmost two buildings and supermarkets are very close. Residents said that the unloading area of ​​the supermarket is located on the east side of the supermarket. Unloading vehicles need to enter the entrance of the car dealers on Xianan Road, and go all the way to the east side along the car passage on the south side of the supermarket to the east side, and the whole process occurs on the side near the community.

△ Jinhua Xinyuan and Jinheng Community are located on the south side of the supermarket, and the northernmost residential building of the community is very close to the unloading area of ​​the supermarket.

The resident Mr. Zhang lives in Building 49 in the two buildings north of the Jinheng Community. From the north of his house, tens of meters away is the unloading area of ​​the supermarket. Coupled with WeChat, on the evening of July 11, he sent 3 videos to the reporter in one breath and recorded between 7:00 and 11:00 that night. In the video, you can see a bright light in the unloading area. Although the car and people are not clear, in the background sound of the rumbling background, from time to time, there is a sound of rumors, and there are also loud roar of the personnel and the continuous "beep" of the vehicle reversing. Mr. Zhang told reporters that such noise is normal and generally lasted until midnight to 2 am.

△ The picture shows the unloading area on the east side of the supermarket.

Why is it so noisy in the unloading area? On the morning of July 15th, the reporter came to the Sam member shop. The reporter entered from the entrance of Xianan Road, and one side of the car channel was full of vans full of goods waiting for delivery. At the end of the channel, next to the blue brand "Parking the car vehicle", a box -type cold chain truck is parked in the center of the channel and is waiting in line to turn into the unloading area to unload. Near the vans of the van, what I heard is the rumbling sound in the video. Because the carriage engine and the refrigeration compressor are driving because of the need to keep the carriage temperature, the sound of no sound.

When turning into the unloading area, there is a hot scene in front of the eyes, and more voices come to the face: a "Jingshuai" logistics vehicle is probably completed unloading. "Sound waiting for a warning sound; the tail of the two trucks was on the unloading platform. The staff was moving down the stack of goods in the carriage with the cart and moved into the warehouse. After the connection was unable to connect, the sound appeared. At about 10 am, a few trucks were drove into the passage. When I saw that the driver in front of the end, the driver in the end slammed a horn ...

△ Several trucks are waiting in line to enter the unloading area to unload. When waiting, the cold -chain truck engine and cooling compressor were turned on, and the sound was not small.

At night, it was the peak of unloading. At 10 o'clock in the middle of the night, the reporter came to the Sam member shop again. Coinciding with the closure of the supermarket and the employees from get off work, employees continue to come out of the side door and the back door. In the unloading area, the three trucks were waiting for unloading. A staff member pulled his throat to direct and guided the truck driver to adjust the truck to the accurate unloading location. With the carbays filled with cargo in and out of the truck car, the sharp friction sound of the trolley on the tailplane of the truck, the huge impact sound from the wheel contact unloading platform is frequent, plus the sound of the vehicle engine, the bumpy sound of the rumors passing the unexplained, The roar of the cold link compressor, the noise is significantly stronger than during the day.

△ In the unloading area of ​​the supermarket, the stack of goods will make huge noise when it is unloaded from the carriage.

During the two times at the scene, the reporters went to the field of the Jinheng Community: There was only a green belt between the community and the supermarket. Standing in the stairs of Building 53 of Jinheng Community, the roar of the supermarket unloading area was almost "non -damaged transmission". , I can hear clearly.

I have promised to improve many times, but there is no action

Mr. Zhang, the resident of Room 101, No. 52 of Jinheng Community, said that the Sam membership store and the community have been neighbors for more than 10 years. There is no such big noise in the early years. Noise is also big. The reporter also noticed that although it was a working day, the entrance of the Sam member store was lined up. A supermarket employee admits that the business is good recently, so the replenishment will be more frequent. In particular, all kinds of fresh materials have to be replenished at night. Speaking of the trouble of supermarket noise, the residents of Jinheng District were bitter. Ms. Zhou of Room 502 said, "Listening to the loud voice, I feel that the bed is shocking." She said that the unloading of the supermarket will sometimes last until one or two in the morning. By four or five in the morning, there are garbage trucks to transfer garbage, and they have to quarrel for half an hour. ; Ms. Feng, the 6th floor of Building 54, moved into the community last year and lived in the northern room. She said that the supermarket continued to continue noise and instantaneous noise when unloading every night, and the noise could not fall asleep ...

△ At night is the peak of unloading, and a large number of trucks lined up in the channel to wait for unloading.

Mr. Zhang showed a video of mobile phone noise measurement software. In the video, the software showed that the noise value outside the window jumped in the range of more than 50 decibels to more than 60 decibels, exceeding the limit of 45 decibels at night stipulated in the law. Although the test method is not necessarily scientific, the strength of the noise value is consistent with the residents' feelings.

In order to solve the trapped of noise disturbing the people, since July, residents have complained in many parties and put forward several claims: if the supermarket is required to adjust the unloading time, try to control it before 10:00 every night; One operation, avoid unloading of a nest, and the whistle of the truck is prohibited. In addition, some residents also hope that the supermarket can transfer the unloading area to the side of the West Road of Hi -Tech to completely solve the problem of disturbing the people. If it is not possible, whether it can consider adding sound insulation screens on the side of the supermarket unloading area, and so on.

△ The citizens use their mobile phones to measure. The noise value outside the window jumps in the range of more than 50 decibels to more than 60 decibels, exceeding the limit of 45 decibels at night stipulated in the law.

In early July, under the coordination of the urban management department, residents had negotiated with the Sam member store. Mr. Xu, at the 302 Building 50 of Jinheng Community, said that supermarket management promised to hear the opinions of residents and discuss solving. Since then, the residents feel that the noise has improved, but the effect has only been maintained for a few days.

On July 11, the residents once again found the supermarket manager. The supermarket gave specific measures this time, including: the short -term adjustment time and the entry of the delivery vehicle, and try to adjust the delivery time to the day. The situation of the receipt and the consumption volume gradually releases the vehicle; at the same time, the professional third -party environmental assessment agency is hired to evaluate the surrounding environment and formulate a rectification plan based on the evaluation results. The transfer of the unloading location is also one of the solutions that can be considered.

On July 15, the reporter also found the supermarket manager to understand the situation. The supermarket claims that "temporary measures have been implemented", and third -party institutions have been promoted. But Mr. Zhang observed a few nights after a few nights to reply to the reporter: "No significant improvement."

【People's Suggestions】

Noise pollution is one of the focus of citizens' complaints every summer, because it involves many management departments, often solving difficulty and easy to become "stubborn diseases." On June 5 this year, the newly revised "Control Law of the People's Republic of China" was officially implemented. Compared with the past, the new law solves the problem of gaps in some noise pollution behaviors in the law. It clarifies that "other noise generated in commercial business activities, operators should take effective measures to prevent noise pollution" and stipulate that penalties violated regulations The terms. Mr. Zhang, a citizen, suggested that newly implemented laws should be the starting point for governing noise. In response to complaints such as the Sam member store unloading noise, it is recommended that Shencheng should clearly deal with the department as soon as possible, conduct law enforcement inspections in accordance with the above laws, and punish those who refuse to correct them.

In addition, the residents of the Jinheng Community also suggested that the Sam member store improved various noise prevention measures in accordance with the requirements of the new regulations. In addition to the implementation of promises, residents also recommend setting up noise monitoring and display cards in the unloading area, guiding supermarket staff and unloading drivers to strengthen self -management, increasing the awareness of noise pollution prevention, and a certain penalty measures for drivers who have chaotic treble speakers at night. Essence

Liberation Daily · Shangguan News Original manuscript, reprinting without permission

Author: Mao Jinwei Changyu Zhongzhong

WeChat editor: Miss Pi

School pair: Kelly Wing

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