The 20 -year -old college student blows the air conditioner and blows into the ICU!Recent high incidence!Doctor urgently remind ...

Author:Yangtze Cloud Time:2022.07.19

Recently, Changsha 20 -year -old college student Xiao Zhu

Just finished the exam

I was ready to start myself happily

Summer vacation

Unexpectedly, because of the sudden shortness of breath

I have to go to the hospital for treatment

After conducting related examinations in the hospital

Diagnosis is vertical swelling

Respiratory tract infection

Considering that Xiaozhu breathed too fast and could not lie flat

The condition is progressing rapidly

Treatment in the monitoring and treatment in intensive medical department

Xiao Zhu


Xiao Zhu Ping usually does not love sports

Summer weather is staying in the air conditioning room for a long time

This time, it is also a greedy air conditioner after the exam after the exam.

Finally get sick upper

Doctors said that when it is cold, everyone will prevent respiratory diseases, but when it is hot, it is easy to ignore. The sun is hot, and everyone likes to stay indoors to blow air conditioners, but it is easy to breed bacteria without cleaning home air conditioners for a long time. Most doors and windows in public places are closed, and air circulation is not smooth. Sexual diseases.


What is "air conditioning disease"?

Nasal congestion, fatigue, symptoms like colds are not colds, are they "air conditioning diseases"? In fact, there is no kind of disease called "air conditioning disease". This is a sociological name, which is usually related to the inappropriate use of air conditioners.

Everyone's physique and ability to adapt to the environment are different, so the symptoms are different from person to person. Some people show cough, nasal congestion, and diarrhea, which may be caused by suddenly entering the cool room from high -heat outdoor, and the body cannot respond to the changes in rapid temperature differences;

Some people show dry nose, dry throat, dry skin, and even nosebleeds. This is because the rheumatism blown out of the air conditioner is relatively low, which causes the indoor air to dry, which can easily cause the upper respiratory tract and skin to dry;

Some elderly people sleep in the air -conditioned room, and the next morning, the symptoms of skewed mouth and the joints of the joints, which may be facial neuritis and muscle joint lesions caused by cold;

Some children sneeze, runny nose, even allergies and asthma, may be allergic caused by the long -term air conditioner.


How to be scientific, healthy and cool?

1. Pay attention to ventilation every day, turn on the window regularly, turn off the air conditioner, increase the gas and gas, and keep the room a certain fresh air.

2. People who work and study indoors and study for a long time should be appropriately performed outdoors. Drink plenty of water to prevent drying and accelerate metabolism in the body.

3. Avoid the air -conditioning cold wind blowing, it is best to set the wind direction up. Especially when sweating, it is best not to blow the cold wind directly, and do not blow the air conditioner immediately. The cooling is too fast to get sick.

4. Keep the skin clean and hygienic. Due to the frequent air -conditioning environment, hot and cold mutations, and the bacteria attached to the skin are prone to blocking the internal sweat or sebaceous glands. Bathing should be kept in the skin.

5. Regularly clean the air conditioner, use disinfectants to remove sterilization to prevent microorganism from breeding and reduce the source of pollution of the disease.

6. Do not turn on the air conditioner in a static car to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning in the car carbon monoxide return car from the car engine.

7, proper exercise, enhance personal constitution, and prevent the summer "air conditioning disease" by improving immunity.

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