@Everyone's details are full!Epidemic "sea" depends on this →

Author:Long Teng Huacai Time:2022.07.19

During the prevention and control of the epidemic

We have to be healthy

First responsible person

Maintain a good habit of personal protection

As the epidemic situation gradually improves

Summer tourism gradually heats up

Some parents are going to take their children out to play

Recently, there are citizen friends who go out to travel

Please check the starting place in advance before travel,

Destination of the latest epidemic prevention and control policy

Actively cooperate with the implementation of epidemic prevention and control measures

Do a good job of personal protection

In the near future

The National Health and Health Commission was released

"New Coronary Virus Pneumonia Prevention and Control Plan (Ninth Edition)"

How to do an epidemic prevention and control in daily life

The basic code of behavior of this citizen's epidemic prevention

Come and learn together

The epidemic prevention and control is not relaxed

Keep in mind

Jointly build the epidemic prevention and control line

Source: Haikou.com

Longhua District Epidemium Prevention and Control Headquarters and Town Street Listeings

Longhua District Epidemic Prevention and Control Command 24 -hour duty telephone:


Zhongshan Street 66210520

Binhai Street 66240672

Jinyu Street 66837591

Datong Street 66754663

Haike Street 68925061

Jinshi Street 68538329

Chengxi Town 66988250

Longquan Town 65520008

Longqiao Town 65501006

Zuntan Town 65723373

Singapore Town 65540996

- END -

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