Liuhu Town builds a \"protective wall\" back to the poor

Author:Yumen Published Time:2022.06.08

In the summer season, walk into Liuhu Town, Yumen City. It is a clear and straight road in the countryside. ...... A row of well -off villages, a greenhouse, and a piece of wheat saffron shows the beautiful picture of the rural rejuvenation of Liuhu Town.

Liuhu Town deepen the promotion of consolidating and expanding the results of poverty alleviation achievements in the same period of rejuvenation and effective connection during the transition period, comprehensively implement the mechanism of dynamic monitoring of poverty alleviation, carefully plan, refine tasks, rely on responsibilities to rely on responsibility With practical measures and practical style, promote the prevention of dynamic monitoring and assistance in poverty -stricken return.

Develop beef cattle breeding \u0026 nbsp; Genji \"

On May 21, the author walked into a group of Li Wenxian's watermelon planting shed in Fumin Village, Liuhu Town. , Each shed output is about 6,000 catties, selling 6 yuan per catty, except for labor and cost, two sheds can earn about 50,000 yuan a year. \"

Li Wenxian is a party member of the Fumin Village Party Branch and the rich people. The village is the leader, and he is diligent and simple and flexible, and strongly supports the village and town work. Since 2010, he has taken the lead in planting greenhouses in the village. It has more than ten years of experience. Many people in the village have followed him to learn planting technology.

\"My family has led 10 cows at the end of last year, and 5 denim has been produced this year. At the current market price, it is worth about 10,000 yuan per head. We continue to move towards the road to wealth. Far. \"Zhang Jiangang, a villager in Xingwang Village, Liuhu Town, was also full of joy on his face.

Liuhu Town vigorously developed high -efficiency facilities agriculture mainly based on sunlight greenhouses and steel frame arch sheds. It mainly grows fruits and vegetables such as sage fruits, strawberries, small peppers, tomatoes, small sugar pills watermelons to promote farmers' income. At the same time, relying on the city's up and down beef cattle breeding professional village construction projects, it has been implemented to 2 million yuan in the village collective economic support funds, and the Siemens can be able to build 500 cows and build a professional village. The town adds more than 10,000 beef beef and sheep, which further improves the scale and benefits of the facility breeding industry.

Development facility agriculture \u0026 nbsp; Fang Kun \u0026 nbsp; Photo

Multi -party employment expansion \" \"Path\"

Su Zhaodi is a common peasant woman in three groups of Shengzhou Village. There are 5 people in the family with 45 acres of cultivated land.

\"I often participate in the town skills training, and I also learned some handsArt, now when the farm is busy, make a wall painting outside. The in -laws are older and the children are young. If they can't be busy at home, they transfer 36 acres of land to the boss through cooperatives, with an average of 200 yuan per acre. The land is working on the land, and the land transfer and their employment income of more than 50,000 yuan a year. \"Su Zhaodi introduced to the author.

Liuhu Town follows the idea of\" promoting the transfer with training, promoting employment with skills, and increasing employment in employment \", paying close attention to market demand, strengthening skills training, broadening the transition channels , Gradually formed the development model of labor transfer industrialization of market -led, base training, and enterprise. Since the beginning of this year, 5th skills training such as Chinese -style cooking, excavators, livestock breeding, welding, brick and tile process is carried out. More than 1,650 people have been transferred, of which more than 100 people have been transferred in three industrial parks in the city. Introducing Xinjiang Beitun City Xintiandi Water -saving Equipment Co., Ltd. to concentrate the large households of 1530 acres of large households and 536 acres of land in 89 acres of houses in Minzhou Village. Circulation. On the basis of stable rent, farmers have achieved two income of cultivated land by working or working on the transfer of land or migrant workers.

Town and village cadres investigation \u0026 nbsp; Fang Kun \u0026 nbsp; Photo

Grid management eliminates \"risk\"

Liuhu Town and Village The group three -level grid members have stated that \"we can visit the risk of poverty -relief the poverty -stricken return every Wednesday in accordance with the country's consolidation of the assessment of poverty alleviation results and the large investigation work plan of Yumen City every Wednesday. Now we have identified two monitoring households in the town. We have formulated a one -household assistance measures. In addition to giving policies such as minimum guarantee, temporary assistance, and sheep subsidies, they also arranged them to water the forest belt, clean the public region of public areas, and and clean up the public areas of public areas. Properly issue salary subsidies to increase their income. \"

Liuhu Town continues to solidify the first level, grasp the first level, layers of implementation, departmental collaboration, and upper and lower linkage work mechanisms, and set up 20 town, villages, and groups.户建档立卡户和772户一般户坚持每月开展一次集中走访排查,对脱贫不稳定户、边缘易致贫户、突发严重困难户3类户和大病重病患者、重度残疾人、长期10 families such as patients with chronic diseases and left -behind elderly people conduct in -depth analysis and judgment, establish villages, groups, and households to rectify ledger and problem lists, formulate assistance measures, make up for shortcomings, eliminate risks, and lay a solid foundation for comprehensively promoting rural revitalization. Fang Kun Yang Qiyi

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