Cover book list · July | All things are shining with immersive reading and winning a soul cool

Author:Cover news Time:2022.07.19

Cover reporter Zhang Jie intern Zheng Hao

In July. If you are not careful, this word from the Book of Songs may be wrong. It looks very hot, but the actual meaning is exactly the opposite: when the weather turns cold in July of the lunar calendar, when the sky is ganging, you can see that the Great Mars falls from the West. This also reminds us of the richness of Chinese. The expression of Chinese art accurately is an art that requires long -term investment energy and time. And high -quality reading can provide a cool and quietness that the cold drinks cannot be provided in the cool and hot drinks in the midsummer.

Today, the short -sightedness of the message coming to us, sneak down, what is the necessity of reading a long work? Publisher, Jiangsu Phoenix Literature and Art Publishing House Fan Hongsheng Fan Hongsheng recently shared the new work sharing meeting held in Chengdu in Chengdu, and there was a wonderful discussion: "Immersed in a novel with blood and emotion, follow the fate of the characters forward. Go and get a complete experience. From this you will gain deeper and effective cognition of the world; the emotion and behavior of your relatives and friends of your relatives and friends will be more understood and tolerant. Whether in reality or the emotional world In China, you will become more calm. "

In other words, reading good works in immersive land and systematically is the value that cannot be achieved and cannot be replaced by fragmented information models.

Asian Mencius told us that the letter is not as good as a book. The sea of ​​books is turbulent, we need to choose. We look for such works -books that show the daily life world and soul folds in the daily life of ordinary people in beautiful text; those books that show a person who leaves a trace and texture in the inner world; Fresh response books.

Human Residence Hong Kong: Activating Historical Buildings "

Author: Shan Yanxiang

Publishing House: China Encyclopedia Publishing House

"Hong Kong Experience and Hong Kong Story in Cultural Heritage Protection"

2022 is the 25th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong to the motherland. On July 2nd, the Hong Kong Palace Museum, which was open to the public, attracted much attention. Shan Xiangxiang, the former dean of the Palace Museum, participated in the preparations of the Hong Kong Palace Museum Cultural Museum. In the book, Shan Xiangxiang reviewed the history of Hong Kong's historical architecture, and focused on the innovation achievements of the "Activating Historical Architecture Partner Plan" and the beginning and end of the construction of the Hong Kong Palace Museum. Among them, there is an interpretation of the Hong Kong urban planning, but also with nearly a hundred historical buildings as a clue, telling the experience of Hong Kong in the protection of cultural heritage and the story of Hong Kong.

"Zhang Huan Chuan"

Author: Chen Gujia

Press: Tiandi Press

Two Yuelu Academy "Mountain Long" Time and Space Dialogue

Zhang Ye is an outstanding representative of Shu Xue and the soul of the Huxiang School. He has developed a creative development of the Song agent, and founded the Huxiang philosophy school with "sex" as the cosmic body, and was unique in the science camp. With its unique historical contribution, the influence is far -reaching, and Ze has been later generations. The author of the book is Chen Gujia, the former dean of Yuelu Academy, Hunan University, in his 80s. On the basis of historical materials and decades of studying Zhang Yeqi, he further tapped and explained the thoughts and educational ideas of Zhang Ye's academic and educational ideas, including included, including included, including including A lot of the interpretation and interpretation of Zhang Ye's research materials based on the new era, focusing on and explaining the science -based body theory and ideological system with the basic category of Taichi, sex, rationality, and mind. The educational thinking of the purpose of Jisin vividly presents the profound impact of Zhang Ye's thoughts on the millennium development of the Hunan Xiang School and Huxiang Culture, and the important role in its return to Shu Land.

"Third Extreme: Tibet Archaeological Notes"

Author: Huo Wei

Press: Tiandi Press

"The essence of archeological reports is popularized in the form that the general public can accept"

Huo Wei, an outstanding professor at Sichuan University, director of the Sichuan University Museum, and the dean of the School of History and Culture, has gained abundant harvest in the archeological field of plateau. While conducting professional academic research, he will also write some publications in some publications. This book contains dozens of essays written by Huo Wei's many years in the third -pole archeology work. It vividly records the author's Tibetan ancient cultural sites represented by the author's excavation and investigation of the Tibetan ancient cultural sites represented by Koro, Qu Gong, Tibetan King Mausoleum, etc. Discovery, feelings, and thinking in the process. Most of the articles were written at the field of the field investigation. Huo Wei said: "I have always been looking forward to having a chance that from the perspective of the public, the little -known archeological processes, discovery experience, the joy and excitement of the person experience, the reflection and thinking of failure, the joy and excitement of the person experience, the self -discovery experience, the self -discovery experience Waiting sharing with the public can make the essence of archeological reports popularized in the general public that the general public can be accepted, and the vivid and active forms can be popularized. "

"Yulin Road"

Author: Hu Cheng

Press: Houlang Publishing Company & Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House

"Read from the living person to read the appearance of history in reality"

The long yellow sand, the camel bell sound. The northwest of the northwest with too many historical dust has attracted countless people to embark on a journey of searching. In the past 10 years, photographer and writer Hu Cheng set foot on northern Shaanxi to visit Suide, Mizhi, Yulin, Hengshan, Jingbian and other places in depth. , Observe, even integrate. He walked and filmed during the day, and wrote a day's vision, feelings, and thinking in the small hotel or stayed in the house at night. Hu Cheng is not a northwest. The Northwest is a distant border for him, but the simplicity and sincerity of the person he met made him see the kindness of his hometown. With common travel articles, we pay more attention to the records of "things" such as attractions, sites, etc., and Hu Cheng's writing focuses on the description of the "people" of the Northwest of the Northwest. After all, from the living people, the deepest history is often reality. Hidden History

Author: Luo Weizhang

Publishing House: Jiangsu Phoenix Literature and Art Publishing House

"Breaking through the interested form of the artistic paradigm of traditional novels"

Luo Weizhang's novels are named after "History". For example, "History of Sound", "History of Silent", and the latest "Hidden History", which were highly acclaimed, formed a trilogy, which attracted much attention in the literary world. The novel uses the concept of "history". In Alang's view, "it contains the ambitions of the writer as the beginning of the times. Of course, the 'history' written by writers is certainly not the concept of history. It reflects Harold · Bloom's explanation of epic, that is, the history of aesthetics, contains the spirit of the unremitting struggle of human beings, leads to the deepest wisdom. "Before the novel was published, it was well received by the literary community when the pure literature magazine was published. Under the selection of Bi Feiyu, Su Tong and others, the novel won the first Phoenix Literature Award Jury Award. The award word believes that this novel "not only exceeds the theme presentation of many similar theme novels, but also transcends its own artistic limitations in description techniques, especially the portrayal of the psychological world of the characters, becoming a paradigm that breaks through the art paradigm of traditional novel novels The form of meaning — open the inner world of people's inner world with a more magnificent concept of time and space. "

"He Bai Li Family Book"

Author: He Bai Li Lan Yongsheng (sorted)

Publishing House: Bashu Society

"Education and love that is based on the body is the most moving force."

In Luzhou, Sichuan, a good story of family style and family books has spread to this day. From home books to family tabloids, the descendants of He's descendants are in plain, true feelings, unrestrained and unrestrained.不管是写给个人的书信,还是家庭全体成员阅读的《家庭小报》,何白李的书信文章,题材广泛,内容深刻隽永,涉及家事、天下事,关涉读书、做人、写作、谋事、书画、 Ethics, education, philosophy, literature and art, history and many other fields have clear insights and love. He Baili infiltrated traditional culture, and he is proficient in foreign languages. He has deep cultivation. His family books have no worldwide conservation, no prosecution blame, and excessive style. In particular, he proposed the eight -character family style: harmony, diligence, hard work, and pursuit, which became the main theme of He's family books. The paper is short and long. Behind the tutoring of the family style, the body of the body and the body of the body is the most moving force.

"Wild Wang"

Author: Fu Xiuying

Publishing House: Beijing October Literature and Art Publishing House

"New exploration of traditional Chinese aesthetics in the new era"

Even though the process of urbanization accelerates, rural life is still the target of literary creators, especially for those writers with local growth background. The novel "Wild Wang" is described by the twenty -four solar terms, starting with the cold, the winter solstice ends, the winter goes to spring, and the summer and autumn are changing. Under the alternation of solar terms, ordinary and ordinary daily life is presented. During the narrative process, the author integrates the depiction and lyric of the natural landscape of the northern rural areas into it. The thin and broken style of writing seems to have the shadow of traditional Chinese novels such as "Dream of Red Mansions". The fresh and natural writing is also reminiscent of the Sun Li of the lotus dadron. Fu Xiuying's dedication has also been recognized by critics. Some people evaluate this novel as "the new exploration of traditional Chinese aesthetics in the new era."

"Everything about Farewell"

Author: within the road

Press: Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House

Write the history of the spiritual growth of individuals in the name of love

In this latest novel in the road, the protagonist Li Bai is a writer. He speaks humorous and interesting, but is a lingee in the action. Love often reflects the quality of a person. In Li Bai's love life, you can see the flash point and shortcomings on his body. More importantly, he learned how to love, how to live, and say goodbye from the women he had loved in love. Love is not the whole of life, and naturally not the whole novel. In the pen, it always shows the appearance and human flavor of the factory in the Jiangnan area in the 1980s. It can not only follow him to increase his knowledge, but also feel the air of that era. So that some critics said that the road is the "New Year's Academic School" in the field of novels, and believes that "he uses the chronological narrative structure and memory as a scheduling, so that the history of personal growth is mixed in the era of the homeland."

"Mr. Lin Huiyin"

Author: Cao Xun

Publishing House: Wenjin Publishing House

The first domestic system sorted out and solidly verified the life of Lin Huiyin's life

In the past ten years, Lin Huiyin has suddenly become a darling of a cultural master. The book on the market has increased geometrically, but it is a pity that most of them are made up of two -handed data. color. The works that really have done serious research and research on Lin Huiyin are rare. As the National Publishing Fund Project in 2020 and the key publications of the "14th Five -Year Plan", after the publishing of "Mr. Lin Huiyin" written by architectural historian Cao Xun, it has attracted widespread attention from the architectural community at home and abroad. The annual spectrum reviewed his true life with a lively historical material, and clarified Lin Huiyin's contribution to Chinese architectural history. It was the first domestic system to sort out and solidly verify Lin Huiyin's life. In the book, you can see the photos of Lin Huiyin at all ages at all ages, and read important events in her life: legendary family life, school experience, artistic creation and social exchanges, and important research results. How the little girl grows into the "generation of talented girls" in Hu Shikou.

Why is the title of "sound" instead of "cause"? The author explained in the book: Lin Huiyin's real name Lin Huiyin, which was found by his father, pinned his father's high expectations for his daughter, and was the most in line with the temperament achievements of Mr. Lin's life. "Mr. Lin himself also likes it, so you should change it back now."

"Everything Shins -Li Yuansheng Museum Travel Notes"

Author: Li Yuansheng

Press: Chongqing University Press

"When walking by the lake, there will be endless sentences up."

In the past 20 years, Li Yuansheng walked, filmed, and wrote poetry. His poetry won the Lu Award, and "I want to spend time with you" was sung by the singer. At the same time, he also recorded his gains through the form of prose. 20 years of natural observation, trained macro photography, and the sensitivity of poets to all things. After Li Yuansheng alone, a new and unique work has also been spawned: Li Yuansheng's museum travel notes. In these notes, we can see that Li Yuansheng's natural notes and poetry are promoted to each other. The sensitivity of poetry gave him a unique perspective of discovering, observing, and recording nature. In turn, natural travel also nourished the life of his poetry. For example, when he walks by the lake, there will be endless sentences.

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