Extraordinary ten years 丨 Shanxi: take the lead in the development of transformation and development to come out of a new road

Author:Qingzhou Rong Media Time:2022.07.19

In the drawing workshop of Shanxi Baoxinghai New Materials Co., Ltd., a white fiber is quickly set on the bundle frame. After stretching, fixed, packets, etc. In the face of ... it is difficult to imagine that the raw materials of these fiber products are from by -products in the company's coal convergence.

"This product is made of" scorching "to make the" Screw Skin "after the coking furnace gas and thick benzene are made of coking furnace gas and thick benzene. After the formation of the industry chain, it increased more than 500 million yuan in profits to the company last year. "Wang Mingbin, deputy general manager of the company, introduced that after this fiber stretched, 10,000 meters were only 1.5 grams, which could be widely used in clothing materials and other fields.

"Charcoal" is a typical example of the industrial upgrading of the old industrial base in Changzhi City, Shanxi. Changzhi was once a resource -based city based on coal development. In recent years, Changzhi has actively promoted the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. Wait for emerging industrial clusters.

In the product exhibition hall of Shanxi Zhongke Lai'an UV Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd., a smart disinfection robot is at work. The deep ultraviolet rays from the chassis can disinfect and sterilize. It also has real -time temperature measurement and automatic obstacles. Before the Winter Olympics, Cui Yongqiang said: "The relevant departments have given us a lot of support in terms of land, taxation, etc., and provide favorable conditions for us to innovate research and development."

"Changzhi's development ideas and optimizing the business environment. In 2021, the energy consumption rate of 1021 GDP energy consumption was 3.9%, and the comprehensive utilization rate of industrial solid waste reached 73.9%; The development of photovoltaic, LED packaging and display production is particularly prominent, "said Wang Lingen, director of the Changzhi Development and Reform Commission.

Grid management to improve grassroots services

In March of this year, Chang Xiaobao, a grid assistant of Zhizhizhi Village, Yuanzhi Township, Yuanquan County, Yuncheng, Shanxi, saw a message on the mobile phone. The content was about building illegal buildings privately next to the cultivated land in the village. He rushed to the scene immediately, took out his mobile phone to take a picture, and reported it to the superior department. Based on the positioning, the law enforcement team manipulated the drone to the scene to verify, and then arrived at the scene, which eventually prevented the construction of illegal buildings.

This year, the province of Shanxi carried out the "special action to grasp the party building and promote grass -roots governance capabilities." "We focus on grasping the collective income of village collective income, the construction of grass -roots grid teams, and the construction of comprehensive law enforcement teams in towns and towns. "Each grid has a party branch. Grid members and assistant grid members are generally served as party members. The party members of the village and communities are also included in the grid party branch to facilitate the better work." Yuanqu County Party Committee Organization Department Minister Li Xiaomei said.

On the large screen of the digital command of Changzhi Township, the villagers' household registration and family information, and the employment situation of each village are clear at a glance. Enter a villager information in the system. 33 data such as personnel names, locations, and occupational classifications are fully presented. On the villagers 'message board, the villagers' message consultation will soon get a reply from the grid staff.

From running around, to online processing, digital empowerment makes the grass -roots grid staff system run smoother. "In terms of epidemic prevention and control information and personnel management, the village had to spend 1 day before, and now can retrieve relevant information at any time, and time is reduced to less than 1 hour." Li Xiaomei said, "We have established a grid -long and full -time network. The system of grid staff and assistant grid staff, currently there are 220 full -time grid staff and 1421 assistant grid workers, and the grid staff can accurately realize 1 to 30 to 50 households. It also allows the masses to respond more effective. "

Digital recovery, reproduction of the grotto style

After more than a year of preparation, the Digital Museum of Tianlongshan Grottoes will be opened at the end of July. Based on the digital restoration exhibition of Tianlongshan Grottoes in 2019, the museum has added the latest digital technology exhibition projects such as multimedia immersive drama and naked eye 3D, which is another result of digital protection of Tianlongshan Grottoes.

Tianlongshan Grottoes are located in Xishan, Taiyuan City, and is famous for its exquisite stone carvings. In the 1920s, the Tianlongshan Grottoes were stolen by a large scale. At the same time, the rock body in the cave area was eroded by wind and rain, cracking, and the statues were constantly weathered.

In 2014, the Tianlongshan Grottoes Museum jointly carried out the digital restoration project of Tianlongshan Grottoes with domestic and foreign research institutions. "We need to consider a large number of literatures to identify the statues of overseas, confirm their position in the grotto, and repair the incomplete parts and colors of the three -dimensional scanning data model." At that time, the Tianlongshan Grottoes Museum of Taiyuan City said.

After 6 years, the restoration team visited nearly 30 museums overseas, collected 108 three -dimensional data of Tianlongshan lost statues, and completed the number of digital restoration of 11 major caves. In 2019, the "Meiji Tianlong -Digital Restoration Exhibition of Tianlongshan Grottoes" was exhibited at home and abroad, and online exhibitions were launched simultaneously, allowing recovery results to benefit more people.

In 2021, the Lord of the Eighth Cave to return to his homeland for the first time, becoming the first overseas cultural relics to return to Tianlongshan's original land. The museum uses 3D printing technology to restore the same proportion of the primitive grottoes where the Buddha's head is located. At the same time, the cave body is like the stolen "fit" in the form of huge multimedia high -definition films and digital interactive experience systems.

Right now, the museum is collecting data collection of 29 caves, nearly 500 statues, and affiliated cultural relics. It is expected to be completed by the end of the year. At that time, the holographic digital archives of the cultural relics of Tianlongshan Grottoes will be built. "These materials can help us better protect and display cultural relics. We also plan to develop AR applets for 25 caves and optimize the tour experience." Zhang Junping, director of the Tianlongshan Grottoes Museum Museum, introduced. Poor out of the poor nest and create a better life

"I didn't expect that we can still live such a good life!" Liu Naili, 56, said with a smile that his life was laughing.

Liu Naike is a native of Hanjiazheng Village, Nanhegou Township, Baode County, Shanxi Province. The county is undulating, the gully is vertical, and the land is barren. The old Liu family has 9 acres of land, planting corn, potatoes, and valley. The family worked hard for a year, and the average income of one acre was 5600 yuan. One year of snow, Lao Liu accidentally fell into the ditch, the hip bone broke, and he could not do heavy work. At the time of worrying, Paude County implemented the migrant relocation of the poor people who "one side can not support one person", and Hanjiazheng Village was included in it. In February 2018, Lao Liu's family lived in the resettlement community -Huimin Community.

It is understood that the Huimin Community has set up a total of 124 poor people in the villages, 2166 households and 6583 people. I entered the city and went upstairs. What should I do in my future life? This is the most worried about the relocation of the people.

First of all, it is necessary to stabilize and speed up the poverty alleviation people from villagers to citizens. The community has kindergartens and primary and secondary schools within one kilometer. Children can enter the park and go to school at their doorsteps; New Rural Cooperative medical institutions enter the community and see a doctor as soon as they go out. More than 150 people ... Huimin Community has also set up party building studios, one -stop convenience service centers, etc. The small things do not need to go out of the community, the residents' lives are more convenient, and their mood is getting more and more comfortable.

Secondly, there must be employment, so that the lives of poverty alleviation are better every day. Now, Lao Liu is a security guard in the community. The lover is cleaning in a nearby community. The two salary of 3,300 yuan a month is far exceeding the income in the original village. In addition, Paude County has continuously developed employment and entrepreneurship channels such as poverty alleviation workshops and industrial parks. For example, the development of traditional food processing small industries such as pure potato noodles and stone mill tofu. The joint households are pairing of poverty alleviation employment. The average household income is expected to be tens of thousands of yuan. At present, the Huimin Community has a labor -relocated family of poverty alleviation in the Huimin community to achieve at least one person in each household to ensure that there is a stable source of income from poverty alleviation families.

"After a few poverty, our generation finally moved out of the poor ravine, and the days were getting more and more!" Lao Liu sent a sincere emotion.

Technology mining, release of advanced capacity

Start the intelligent working surface of the 203 thin coal seams of coal mining equipment with one button, and the coal seams with a thickness of about 1 meter slipped on the conveyor and was transported to the well ... On July 2, Guo Jinchao, an employee of the Jinda Coal Industry of Shanxi Coking Coal Group, is skilled. Operation coal mining equipment. "In the past, it was black all over the class. Now it is no problem to wear a white shirt to work!" Guo Jinchao said. The workplaces of the work face cutting a single shift workers from the original 8 people to 4. At present, the group's 7 -seater mine applies the intelligent mining process and equipment of thin coal seams, and has recovered about 7.6 million tons of thin coal seam resources.

Technology mining provides strong support for Shanxi Province's continuous release of advanced production capacity and ensuring energy supply. In recent years, Shanxi Province has established a special confession class to establish a communication system with coal and electric energy enterprises in various places. In terms of power supply, the establishment of an early warning mechanism to urge enterprises to increase the inventory of electrical coal and strongly promote the restoration of the stop unit to restore the connection. Last year, Shanxi built 1,000 intelligent excavations; this year, Shanxi will continue to build 20 intelligent coal mines and 500 intelligent mining working faces.

At the well entrance of the Tashan Coal Mine in Jinneng, coal is continuously transported from a belt to the ground through a belt of more than 200 meters. In recent years, this large -scale monochrome coal mine with a annual output of 10 million tons has also been transformed in intelligent working surfaces. "Through the 5G 'Highway' laying and intelligent equipment application of the undercut, the thickness of the top coal, the load of the transport aircraft can be dynamically adjusted, and the intelligent inspection robot realizes the daily inspection of the underground." According to the introduction, the "Key Technology and Demonstration of the Intelligent Comprehensive Mining of Ten Thousand Tons Class Special Coal Sea" project has successfully passed the mid -term acceptance of the Ministry of Science and Technology. The rate is 90%and the mixing rate is less than 10%. (People's Daily reporter Zheng Yangyang Liu Xinzheng Qiao Dong Fu Mingli Hu Jian)

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