"Road Yunzhong One Netcom Office" WeChat Mini Program online new features

Author:Modern Logistics Newspaper Time:2022.07.19

The truck is overdue and the driver fails to participate in the integrity assessment on schedule, which will not only affect road traffic safety, but also face administrative penalties. Recently, the reporter learned from the Ministry of Transport that in order to help road transport operators grasp the annual annual trial and driver's integrity assessment time in advance, and apply for relevant examination business in a timely manner, the WeChat Mini Program of the "Road Transportation Political One Stock Office" has opened the annual trial of the truck and driver. Integrity assessment and documents will automatically remind the service in advance.

The WeChat Mini Program of the "Road Transportation Political One Stock Exchange" is the online handling of road transportation high -frequency services to accelerate the online handling of road transportation high -frequency services, organize and develop software, and further enhance the convenience of road transportation government services and the sense of road transportation practitioners.

According to reports, the truck driver can focus on the WeChat public account of the Ministry of Transport, click on the service in the menu bar, and select the "Road Transportation Political One Bus Office" to enter the small program; you can also search for the "Road Transportation Political One Netcom Office" in WeChat program. Open the WeChat Mini Program, complete the real -name authentication and bind the road transport business license number of the transport operator, and the applet can automatically associate the road transportation vehicles that belong to. When the annual examination of the truck is about to expire, the WeChat Mini Program will automatically send the year Reminder message. After the real -name authentication of the driver and other individual users, the system automatically associates the qualification certificate information. When the integrity assessment is about to expire, the WeChat Mini Program will automatically send the integrity assessment reminder information.

In addition, for road transportation operation licenses, qualification certificates, road transportation certificates and other documents, the WeChat Mini Program of the "Road Transportation Political One Stock Office" also provides the automatic reminder service of the certificate expires.

Source: Workers Daily

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