Laizhou Market Supervision Bureau cracks down on frozen products smuggling and guards imported food safety

Author:Laizhou Rong Media Time:2022.07.19

In order to thoroughly promote the "iron fist" operation in the 2022 people's livelihood field, increase the import of cold chain food supervision, and ensure the safety of imported food, recently, the Laizhou Market Supervision Bureau launched a special operation for cracking down on frozen products.

This special operation is focusing on imported frozen meat and aquatic products, and focusing on various types of frozen and refrigerated libraries, farmers' markets, large and medium -sized supermarkets and imported frozen products. Clean up and rectify, standardize the order of frozen products to operate market order, and strictly prevent frozen frozen products from flowing into the market and flowing to the dining table.

During the inspection, law enforcement officers comprehensively inspected the source of frozen food, inspected whether the enterprise implemented food safety systems such as purchase inspection, claims and claims, etc., and carefully checked the import certification, disinfection certificate, nucleic acid test certificate, and sales voucher of imported cold chain foods. , Strictly put the goods into the market, strictly investigate and punish illegal trafficking without legal import certificates, and have not been inspected and quarantine frozen foods and other illegal acts. Special spot check. For strict control of food storage cold storage, it is required to strictly implement the system of inspection and inspection records of frozen products in the inventory procedures and purchase inspection records, investigate and deal with smuggling activities to provide storage and other convenient behaviors for smuggling activities, and severely crack down on long -term non -filing management. Black Cold Library.

While inspection, the bureau also strengthened publicity and guidance. In key places such as farmers' markets, shopping malls and supermarkets, publicity and education through suspension banners, electronic screen playback, and posting publicity materials , Guide the masses for scientific consumption. Establish a system of "Food Safety Red and Black List", select some typical positive and reverse aspects, and give the "Red and Black List" publicity exposure.

Up to now, the bureau has not interrupted 28 imported cold chain food business units in the city, monitored 439 orders for imported cold chain foods, stopped business and rectified 2 imported cold chain food units, and started 2 cases of importing food without Chinese labels.

In the next step, the Laizhou Market Supervision Bureau will continue to increase the blow to smuggling of frozen products, discover and eliminate hidden risks in time, establish and improve long -term mechanisms for cold storage management, ensure imported cold chain food safety, and create a norm for the general public Order, safe and assured market environment. (Correspondent Zhang Jingliang Zhang Guangbin)

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