Welcome to you, 234 new one!

Author:Zhongshan Sixth Academy Time:2022.07.19

Recently, the training of new employees in our college in 2022 ended successfully. The pre -job training adopted a combination of "online+offline". A total of 187 new employees and 47 new master's degree students participated. On the eve of the training, the hospital organized a special nucleic acid test. All the members were worn by the mask and sitting together to build a resistance.

On July 12, the opening ceremony was chaired by the deputy dean Kang Liang. The dean Wen Weiping, the deputy dean Huang Meijin, Yao Lin, Kang Liang, and the heads of the administrative logistics departments attended and attended the ceremony.

Dean Wen Weiping's opening speech

Dean Wen Weiping first expressed his warm welcome to new employees on behalf of the hospital, and then briefly reviewed a series of achievements made by the hospital for 15 years, and pointed out that these achievements mainly rely on entrepreneurial spirit, adhere to the spirit of academic spirit, and the spirit of unity and cooperation. We must inherit these spirit and create a special culture of the Sixth Academy- "Three Series and Three Creation" culture. He mentioned that cultural identity has enabled people to come together, work together, and work together. Cultural identity can promote the rapid development of hospitals. He said that cultural construction not only summarized the original culture, but also inherited the culture, carried forward the culture, and used to guide daily work and personal cognition.

Combined with the development of new employees, Dean Wen Weiping interprets hospital culture from the two levels of humanities and technology. Humanities are mainly three services, serving patients, clinical, and service colleagues; technical aspects are entrepreneurial, innovation, and innovation.

In the end, he encouraged new colleagues to adhere to the spirit of entrepreneurship, live in peace, pursue excellence, work hard, and strive to meet the best self in the future.

Deputy Dean of Kang Liang conducted a lecture on "How to Do a Better Hospital of University Affiliated Hospital"

Vice Dean Yao Lin gave a lecture on "Doctor Interpersonal Relations and Communication"

Vice President Huang Meijin conducted a lecture on "How to Do a Good job in Teaching Work in Affiliated Hospital of Universities"

Deputy Dean of Kang Liang, Deputy Dean Yao Lin and Vice President Huang Meijin encouraged everyone to inherit the spirit of the Chinese and University medical sciences from the aspects of clinical, humanities, and teaching, and guard the people's physical and mental health. , Teaching and Scientific Research Coordinated Development.

On July 13, the new employee went to the department to watch the relevant video of medical, teaching, research, and management recorded in various functional departments in the early stage of the department.

Dr. Zhao Junzhang, who was once stationed in the Eighth People's Hospital of Guangzhou City, spoke

Zhu Changping, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, introduced the disciplinary style of the medical industry

The graduation ceremony was chaired by Liu Huanliang, Director of the Human Resources Department

On July 14, Li Hanrong, Secretary of the Party Committee, Zhu Changping, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, Peng Xuehui, Chief Accountant, Chairman of the Trade Union, and the heads of some administrative logistics departments attended and attended the pre -post training ceremony. Essence

The ceremony was first spoke by Dr. Zhao Junzhang, a doctor of the Department of Gastroenterology, who was stationed in the 8th People's Hospital of Guangzhou as a representative of medical staff. He shared his experience in the "ferry" as an epidemic prevention "ferry person" in a simple and concise language, and encouraged everyone to adhere to the original intention of the doctor.

Subsequently, Zhu Changping, deputy secretary of the party committee and secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, introduced the disciplinary style of the medical industry, reminding the new employees to "buckle the first buttons of the medical".

Secretary Li Hanrong taught a new employee

In the end, Secretary Li Hanrong introduced the development history of Sun Yat -sen University and Hospital under the title of "Inheritance and Development of the Cultural Culture Culture". After entering the new era, we must look up at the road while pulling the car while buried the car, and be active and aggressive stems; we must also keep the truth inheritance, seek truth and innovation, and be a practitioner of "three services and three innovations" culture. I also hope that everyone in the sixth house will have high ambitions and live up to the times; diligence and deeds, live up to Shaohua; adhere to the original intention and live up to the people.

In the midsummer in July, the new employees took the youthful unique and heroic posture, with the infinite longing for the doctor's heart, bid farewell to the lovely alma mater, and embarked on the journey of dreaming. Faced with a new journey, let us strive to create history, work hard to achieve the future, and jointly write the Six Splendid Chapters of the Sixth Academy!

Manuscript Division: Human Resources Office

Editor in charge: Zhang Yuanquan

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