British media: A doctor in India said that plastic surgery stems from India

Author:Global Times Time:2022.07.19

[Global Times Comprehensive Report] Plastic surgery is usually considered to be born in the 20th century, but a senior surgeon in India said that as early as 2600 years ago, the Indians completed the world's first plastic surgery in a city by the Ganges.

According to the British "Times" reported on the 18th, Dr. Manish Singer, a plastic surgeon in New Delhi, quoted a historical record at a meeting held on Friday in New Delhi that the world's first plastic surgery was lived by a BC by ADThe 6th century India's "father of surgery" Sushuda was completed in Varanasi.At that time, he reorganized his nose for a man who was cut off.

However, critics said that this statement aims to create a sense of cultural pride and superiority in the country's Hindu population by linked modern invention with the work of ancient Indians.The report also mentioned that a year ago, Indian Prime Minister Modi said that the head of the head of the head of the head of plastic surgery originated in the ancient Indian symbol.(Bian Zizheng)

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