"Originally Hometown" Painting Exhibition in Zheng Zhan

Author:Henan Daily Client Time:2022.07.19

Wen Xiaojuan, a reporter from Henan Daily Client

On July 18th, the reporter learned that Dr. Wang Mei, the School of Fine Arts of Zhengzhou University, opened in Zhengzhou. The exhibition gathered the oil painting works she had recently created from the time of studying in Russia, and finally achieved her colorful colors and landscapes.

The exhibition kicked off in a symposium, and more than 30 relevant leaders, seniors and colleagues attended the symposium. At the meeting, Wang Mei shared a series of stories and creative experiences about "hometown". From the northern country to the Central Plains, after continuous efforts, she finally achieved her colorful colors and landscapes, all of which were the people and things she nostalgic. Therefore, the name of this exhibition "It turned out to be a hometown."

Gui Xingchuang, vice chairman of the Henan Provincial Artists Association, is not only the predecessor of Wang Mei, but also his fellow villagers. The southern Henan water village in Wang Mei's oil painting evokes his emotional resonance. "The new work after Teacher Wang Mei taught Zhengzhou University is mostly a sketch of the sketching of students in the magnificent Taihang Mountain, reflecting the painter who has received orthodox painting training of Western Academy. , Draw the simple, thick earth colors '' to depict the simple, with the Central Plains Mountains with Phnom Penh. "

Zhao Jian, the principal of the Central Plains University of Science and Technology, said that in Wang Mei's oil painting, he appreciated "no borders of art and endless art". He saw the hope of painting art in the Central Plains region in the future, and hoped that he would take this opportunity to achieve better results.

It is reported that the exhibition is currently exhibited at the Echo Museum of the Central Plains Book Building, and the exhibition time has continued until August 14th.

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