Preview of the event!The first Tibetan Autonomous Region Folk Dance Competition comes wonderfully

Author:Main News in Tibet Time:2022.07.18

The first Tibetan Autonomous Region Folk Dance Competition

In order to thoroughly implement the "Fifth Meeting Government Work Report of the Eleventh National People's Congress of the Autonomous Region" on the "Cultural Award and Holding Art Festival" in the "Fifth Meeting of the People's Congress of the Autonomous Region", focusing on the overall work ideas of the "1181" of the region's culture, the "first Tibet Autonomous Region folk people Dance competition. The specific content is as follows:

Organizational Unit

Organizer: Propaganda Department of the Communist Party of China Tibet Autonomous Region Committee and Cultural Department of Tibet Autonomous Region

Organizer: Tibet Autonomous Region Group Art Museum (district non -heritage protection center)

Co -organizers: Culture (Cultural Tourism, Cultural Tourism, Cultural Tourism, Cultural Tourism) Bureau

Activity time

July 19, 2022-20, 2022

Event Location

Lhasa City City Government Theater


prize settings

There are 2 star awards, 2 dance creation awards, 2 performance awards, and 8 excellent awards.

Let us participate together

Feel the charm of Tibetan folk dance!

Way of viewing

The first Tibetan Autonomous Region Folk Dance Contest will be presented online in the form of live broadcast. The "Cultural Tibet" new media matrix and the smart service side of the public cultural Yunji layer will be broadcast live.

(WeChat video number pays attention to "Cultural Tibet" appointment online live broadcast)

(Douyin search "Cultural Tibet" to watch online)

(Public Culture Yunji Layer Smart Services)

Source: Cultural Tibet WeChat public account

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