A lady in Xi'an walking at night was shot by the bow and arrow!Lawyer: serious injury, or in pr

Author:China Business Daily Time:2022.06.14

"China Business Daily"

At 8 pm on June 9, the Xi'an Firefighting mass alarm that a patient with a patient in Xijing Hospital was assisted in disposal due to bows and arrows.

To prevent secondary damage

Firefighters cut their bows and arrows

After arriving at Jinhua North Road, he communicated with the medical staff that a 60 -year -old lady was shot through the bow and arrow under the left eye. Examination, and the hospital has no tools to cut, and the firefighters need to assist in cutting.

In order to prevent secondary damage during the shear process, the firefighters used two pliers to fix the bow and arrow, and then cut the bows and arrows with the cutting clamp.

The patient's eyeball is good

Surgery is performed in a general hemp state

On the morning of June 13th, Chen Xiaodong, deputy chief physician of the otolaryngus and throat and neck surgery of Xijing Hospital, introduced that when the patient was diagnosed, she was a state of fear and panic. The hospital made a careful preoperative preparation to determine whether the arrow had broken the patient's eyeballs. "After preliminary judgment of the ophthalmology, the patient's eyeball is good. Successfully, there is no major bleeding we are worried about, and is now in a state of recovery. "A reporter from the China Business Daily learned that the patient's condition is stable and in the postoperative recovery stage.

Will arrow injury affect the patient's vision? Chaverages of the chief physician of the otolaryngus head and neck surgery of Xijing Hospital said that although the patient's eyeball was normal, his vision did not rule out the possibility of affected. Because the patient is still in the postoperative pain stage, some vision examination has not been completed, and subsequent doctors will further check the patient recovery.

In addition, the lady was frightened and emotional, and the hospital would conduct psychological counseling work on her.

Men's online purchase of anti -song bow and arrow

During the target, the deserted target rebounds the thorns to the middle passenger

It is understood that the accident was accidentally injured because a man was playing bow and arrow in the community.

On the evening of June 13, a reporter from the China Business Daily learned that after being shot, the lady covered her face and cried so much that she was sent to the hospital as soon as possible.

On the night of the incident, the police in the jurisdiction had been involved. After investigation, the man was around 40 years old. He was rented by residents for the community. The anti -curved bow and arrow purchased online were exercise instruments, which did not belong to the control equipment.

On the afternoon of June 9th, the man was off the target when practicing the target in the empty area of ​​the community, and rebounded after the shooting on the wall. The victim was walking with others at the time, and there was a distance between the target. The man did not see it. Regret, it has taken the current medical expenses. At present, men have been sentenced to crime for hazarding public safety in danger.

Lawyer said

Serious injuries or have been in prison for more than ten years

Zhao Yuan, a lawyer of Beijing Security (Xi'an) Law Firm, said that archery is dangerous and should be carried out in a broad place. This is the obligation of the archery.

Archery in the community public places, there is a psychology of laissez -faire or loss of the results of the hazards of the accidental injuries, and has caused personal injury of the owner of the community. He has violated the criminal law and is suspected of harming public safety by other dangerous methods.

According to the provisions of the Criminal Law, if other dangerous methods endanger public safety and have not yet caused serious consequences, they will be sentenced to imprisonment for three years or less; Or death penalty. At the same time, men's behavior also infringes the owner's personal health rights and should bear civil liability for civil compensation.

It is recommended to strengthen the training and education of buyers

Is the bow and arrow control the item, can individuals hold it?

Li Yaohua, a lawyer of a law firm in Beijing Deheng (Xixian New District), said that non -mechanical bow and arrow equipment (anti -curved bow, composite bow) did not belong to the management category of public security organs, but mechanical bow and arrow equipment (such as crossbow) is a one The equipment with strong lethality belongs to strict control of the country. The "Notice of the Ministry of Public Security on Further Strengthening the Management of Crossbow Public Security" stipulates that crossbow manufacturing enterprises can only sell crossbow to approved use units, and it is strictly forbidden to sell them to individuals.

Li Yaohua said that although non -mechanical bow and arrow equipment is not a controlling item, it is dangerous. It is recommended that public security and market supervision departments regulate the production, sales and use of non -mechanical bow and arrows, strengthen the training and education of buyers, avoid this to avoid this to avoid this to avoid this to avoid this to avoid this to avoid this. Class events occur again.

Source: China Business Daily reporter Qing Rongbo

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