[Construction of the Government of the rule of law] Zhaoqing City competes to create a demonstration city of the national rule of law government construction. (3)

Author:Zhaoqing released Time:2022.07.11


The Outline of the Implementation of the Construction of the Government of the rule of law (2021-2025) "in improving the functional system of government agencies and promoting the better player of the government's role?


(1) Promote the optimization and coordination of the functions of government agencies;

(2) Promote the reform of the "decentralization service";

(3) Continue to optimize the business environment of the rule of law.


What are the aspects of government functions in accordance with the law?


(1) Strengthen the efforts of simplified administration and decentralization;

(2) Comprehensively implement the list of power and responsibility, and the negative list system;

(3) Strengthen the supervision of the event;

(4) Optimize the business environment of rule of law;

(5) Optimize public services.

twenty one

What is "decentralized service" reform?

Answer: The reform of the "decentralization service" refers to the simplified administration and decentralization, the combination of management, and the optimization service reform.

twenty two

What is administrative approval?

Answer: Administrative approval refers to the application of administrative organs (including other organizations with administrative approval rights) in accordance with natural persons, legal persons, or other organizations. Actions engaged in specific activities, recognizing their qualifications, confirming specific civil relations or specific civil rights capabilities and behavioral capabilities.

twenty three

What is an administrative approval intermediary service?

Answer: Administrative approval intermediary services refer to paid services that are required to entrust the applicant to entrust enterprises, public institutions, social organizations and other institutions as administrative examination and approval conditions when administrative approval of administrative examination and approval at all levels. Evaluation, evaluation, inspection, testing, certification, identification, certification, consultation, testing, etc.

twenty four

What is a proof of the promise system?

Answer: Informing the promise system, when the citizen, legal person and other organizations apply for administrative matters to the administrative organs, the administrative organs will prove their obligations, content, and false commitments in writing (including electronic text, the same below). The applicant is notified of the legal responsibility at one time. The applicant's written commitment has met the relevant requirements of the notification and is willing to bear the legal responsibility of unrealistic commitments. The administrative organs no longer ask for relevant certificates and handle relevant administrative matters in accordance with written commitments.


What is the purpose of cleaning up proof?

Answer: Cleaning certificates are requiring that in addition to the clear stipulation of laws and regulations, government departments, public institutions and service institutions shall not ask for proof of the counterparty of administrative management. Cleaning the matter is to fundamentally eliminate the "wonderful" proof, cycle certificate, and repeated proof.


What is "double random, one open"?

Answer: "Double random and open" means that the inspection objects are randomly selected during the supervision, and law enforcement inspectors are selected randomly.


The Outline of the Implementation of the Construction of the Government of the rule of law (2021-2025) proposes how to speed up the construction of service-oriented governments and improve the effectiveness of government service?



How to understand that the rule of law is the best business environment?


(1) The rule of law can protect the property rights and legitimate rights and interests of various types of market entities in accordance with the law. The property rights system is the cornerstone of the socialist market economy. Protecting property rights is to protect productivity;

(2) The rule of law can regulate the border between the government and the market, respect the laws of the market economy, and adjust the interests of various market entities within the framework of the rule of law through the means of marketization;

(3) Only by improving the system and strengthening supervision can we build a unified, open, competitive and orderly market system, create a fair and fair competitive environment, and minimize irregular act The socialist market economy enters the benign development track.


The Outline of the Implementation of the Construction of the Government of the rule of law (2021-2025) proposes how to optimize the business environment of rule of law?

Answer: Focusing on the implementation of new development concepts and building a new development pattern, and creating a stable, fair and transparent, and expected business environment. In -depth implementation of the "Optimized Business Environment Regulations". Summary experience and practices that can be promoted to optimize the business environment in various places in a timely manner, and rose to laws and regulations in a timely manner. Protect the property rights and independent management rights in accordance with the law, and effectively prevent the abuse of the abuse of administrative power and restrict competition. Improve the management system of national treatment and negative list before foreign investment access, and promote the opening of rules, regulation, management, and standards. Strengthen the communication of government and enterprises, and fully listen to the opinions of enterprises and industry associations in the process of formulating administrative regulations, regulations, and administrative standardized documents. Strengthen and improve anti -monopoly and anti -unfair competition. Strengthen the rigid constraints of fair competition review systems, timely clean up and abolish various regulations and practices that hinder unified markets and fair competition, and promote the formation of high -standard market systems with unified openness, orderly competition, complete system, and perfect governance.


What is the construction of government integrity?

main body


The Outline of the Implementation of the Construction of the Government of the rule of law (2021-2025) proposes how to accelerate the construction of government integrity?

Answer: Improve the government's trustworthy promise mechanism.Establish a mechanism for government integrity monitoring and governance, establish and improve the record system of government affairs, and incorporate dishonesty information such as breach of contract, defaulting accounts, and refusal to perform judicial referees into the national credit information sharing platform and disclose to the society.Establish and improve the system of accountability of government dishonesty, increase disciplinary punishment, and focus on governing government dishonesty in the fields of debt financing, government procurement, bidding and bidding, investment promotion and other fields.32

What are the requirements for optimizing public services, what are the requirements for convenience service hotline?

Answer: The municipal government establishes a convenient and efficient and standardized 12345 government service convenience line. In addition to the emergency hotlines such as 110, 119, 120, and 122, integrate other non -emergency government hotlines according to higher government deployment to achieve government affairs consultation and complaint reports and so on.Uniformly accept, transfer as responsibilities, supervise time -limited time, and settle feedback.The county -level governments have timely disposal and settlement of government affairs consulting and complaints involving government affairs and departments at the same level.

Source: Zhaoqing Judicial WeChat public account

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