Haikou's 2 -year -old girl disappeared for nearly 7 hours.

Author:Hainan Daily Time:2022.07.07

Recently, a 2 -year -old girl in Haikou disappeared. In the afternoon of the same day, more than 6 hours after the girl disappeared, the search and rescue dog team of Haikou Fire Rescue Detachment, which received alarm, was reported urgently. A search rescue operation with time and life race began.

"Lin's daughter's daughter disappeared at about 10 o'clock, but now she has not been found. The girl is about 2 years old, wearing a yellow top, black shorts ..." On the afternoon of June 29, Confucianism in Yongxing Town, Xiuying District, Haikou City In the WeChat group of Lincun villagers, a message of urgent search for the loss of girls was passed. For a while, everyone forwarded, and they were also attentive for the loss of the girl. At the same time, the police and villagers of the local police station also acted to search for the Julin Village where the girls lived.

Search for a few hours without results, and the villagers had to call 119 for help. After Haikou Fire Rescue Detachment Command Center received the alarm by the masses, the detachment immediately dispatched 1 fire truck and 5 fire rescue staff from the search and rescue dog team to rush to the scene with 3 search and rescue dogs.

At that time, it had been more than 6 hours away from the girl, and the search was urgent. At 17:08, the search and rescue dog team arrived at the scene. According to the laboratory orange warning signal issued by Haikou Meteorological Observatory, heavy rainfall may occur in the future, which brings great challenges to search and rescue work. Considering that the girl is younger, in order to win the time, the on -site commander and their families determine the approximate position where the girl is lost, and immediately ordered the search and rescue personnel to identify the dependent search direction by searching and rescue dogs. Law conducts search.

After seeing the "lemon" of the search and rescue dog, after smelling clothes, the nose was carefully captured by the ground and tracked in the southwest. Search and rescue dogs walked across the grass, bypassing the trees, and kept catching the smell ... At 18:33 on the day, the search and rescue dog was in the low depression of the Huangpi Guoguoyuan, 3 kilometers southwest of the incident, and finally found the lost girl. Essence

The search and rescue dog "Lemon" is with the trainer. (Photo confession of Haikou Fire Rescue Detachment)

Because the girl has been lost for nearly 7 hours, and the weather in the mouth is hot, during the period, they have not eaten hydration, and their bodies are weak and weak, but they are not in danger of life. "Thank you firefighters, thank you for search and rescue dogs." After the girl was rescued, his family said gratefully to the firefighter rescue staff at the scene.

Reporter: Liangzi

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