I am a police officer, you now turn the money back now!

Author:Leping Public Security Time:2022.07.06

"I am a police officer, you now turn the money back!"

"I'm waiting here! Hurry up and return the money to her!"

"Exit the money on the platform!"


Luqiao Public Security Branch of Luoyang Police Station Police Station

Lin Mingfeng shouted from the scammer

On the afternoon of June 28, a 62 -year -old grandma went to the counter of the ICBC to handle business and prepare for transfer. The bank staff found that she was suspicious of her heart and immediately dissualed and called the police. "Our banks will be particularly cautious about the transfer of the elderly and the remittance category." The police said after the police rushed to the scene.

It is understood that she is not familiar with the account that Granny is ready to transfer to. The careful police began to understand the beginning and end of the matter, and found that there were suspected financial fraud "APP" in her mobile phone.

It turned out that Grandma had the habit of stocks on weekdays. There were many groups of investment and financial management in WeChat. I do n’t know when she added a friend in these groups. Through the usual chat, the other party gradually gained the trust of the grandmother, making her feel that the other party was a very good person. So when the other party suddenly proposed that she invited her grandmother to participate in the "investment financial project", she had no doubt and agreed to it.

"Invite the elderly to invest in financial management", isn't this a typical routine of pension fraud? The police felt unsatisfactory. Sure enough, in the chat page of the grandma and the other party, he saw the familiar words seduced by the elderly. With many years of experience, the police concluded that this was fraud.

Hearing the police's statement, this time, the bank had completely panicked the bank, and told the police that he had transferred 5,000 yuan to the other party with his mobile phone, and today he came to the bank to consult the relevant transfer business.

Such telecommunications network fraud cases took a long time, and the victim's loss was difficult to recover. In order to help the grandmother recover the loss, the police thought about it, and saw that the grandma also added the other party's friend. He was smart and wanted to try it. Unexpectedly, the other party really took it.

The police stated on the phone: "I am a police officer. If you have conscience, you will immediately turn all the money of the elderly back!"

When I heard it was the police's phone, the other party panicked: "I ... my money is on the platform, I can only turn 2,000 yuan today. Tomorrow I will definitely turn the remaining money back." Immediately, the other party really turned 2,000 yuan to return Essence

Seeing the 2,000 yuan returned, the grandmother's joy was overwhelming, and she said that she would never believe in these "investment and wealth management" telecommunications network fraud in the future to protect her pension money.

Subsequently, the police helped Grandma uninstall the unknown software on the mobile phone on the spot, helped him focus on the anti -fraud public account with WeChat, installed the National Anti -Fraud Center APP and inform him of how to use it.

On June 30, the police called Grandma early in the morning: "Old man, did the remaining money give you back to you yesterday?"

"Come back! Come back! I have returned to the remaining 3,000 yuan in the remaining 3,000 yuan, thank you, and trouble you." Grandma couldn't thank the police.

Currently, the case is under further investigation.

Police reminder

Remind the masses to improve their awareness of self -safety precautions in daily life, and do not believe in the good things that "falling into the sky". Learning prevention methods to improve awareness of prevention and prevent being deceived.

(Cai Huijun)

- END -

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