The implementation of the "Correction of the People's Republic of China" is the second anniversary of the implementation of the law

Author:Qinghai detoxification Time:2022.07.05

my country's first comprehensive regulatory law of community correction work


"Community Correction of the People's Republic of China"

The National People's Congress of the 13th National People's Republic of China

The 15th meeting of the Standing Committee

Optionally passed on December 28, 2019

Formally implemented on July 1, 2020

This marks the new stage of development in community correction!

Below 6 Q & A

Take you to know about "community correction"!


What is community correction

Community correction is a criminal execution method corresponding to the implementation of the imprisonment punishment. It refers to placing criminals that meet the statutory conditions in the community. Dedicated by the special state organs, with the assistance of relevant departments, social organizations, and volunteers, the judgment, ruling, ruling, ruling, ruling, rules Or to determine the duration of the determination, supervise and manage and educate the community correction objects, correct their criminal psychology and behavior habits, and promote the criminal enforcement activities that smoothly integrate into the society.


Are all criminals apply community correction?

NO! Not all criminals are applicable to community correction. Most of the community correction objects are suspended criminals. These people generally belong to the first offenders, even criminals, and overwhelmed. The circumstances of the crime are mild. Correction measures.

The specific four types of criminals are applicable:

1. Criminal criminals

2. Criminal criminals declared probation

3. Criminal criminals announced parole

4. Criminals to be executed abroad temporarily


What is the purpose and significance of community correction?

Good asks! Community correction work adheres to the combination of supervision and management and education assistance, combines specialized organs with social forces, adopts classification management, individualized correction, and targeted factors that eliminate community correction objects may be criminal. law abiding citizen.


Who should implement correction work?

The local people's governments at or above the county level set up community correction agencies as needed to be responsible for the specific implementation of community correction work. According to the community correction agency, the judicial institute undertakes community correction related work.


How to correct community correction?

1. Supervision and management

Community correction agencies shall determine the correction team in accordance with the situation of the community correction objects, and be responsible for implementing the corresponding reward and punishment plan.

According to needs, the correction team can be composed of the guardians of the judicial office, the resident committee, and the villagers' committees, the guardian, family members of the community correction object, the units or the school, and the social workers and volunteers of the school. If the community correction object is female, there should be female members in the correction group.

2. Education assistance

Community correction agencies conduct education and moral education such as the targets of community corrections according to needs, enhance their legal concepts, and improve their moral quality and regret consciousness.


How long is community correction time?

This is determined that it is determined that the people's courts and the implementation notice issued by prison management organs and public security organs that are temporarily enforced by the supervisor and the public security organs shall be approved by the law to be implemented in accordance with the law.

What are the new highlights of the "Correction of the People's Republic of China"?

Let's learn together ~

"Correction of the Community of the People's Republic of China" guarantees criminal judgment

Criminal ruling

And the correct execution of the decision to implement the decision temporarily

Improve education correction quality

It is more clear about the goals and working principles of community correction

Adhere to the combination of supervision and management and education assistance

Combining specialized agencies and social forces

Pay attention to classification management, individual correction

A targeted on the ground to eliminate community correction objects

The factors that may be sinned again

Help it become a law -abiding citizen

And encourage and guide more social forces

Participate in community correction work

At the same time, use modern scientific and technological means

Let's improve the level of informationization of community correction

Individual correction is for people to teach and implement individual correction

Promote the smooth return of correction objects to return to society

Prevent and reduce crime


"Community Correction of the People's Republic of China" also stipulates

The work system and institutional setting of community correction work

The connection and cooperation of relevant departments, etc.

Source: Xinpu Judicial, Zhihui Correction, Qinghai Pu Law

Edit: Qinghai Detoxification Government Fusion Media

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