He has participated in more than 540 televisions in the cabin man in the cabin. Lawyers: or facing three to 10 years of criminal penalties

Author:Pole news Time:2022.07.04

Jimu Journalist Liu Xiaobin

A few days ago, the Xinglongshan square cabin isolation point in Changchun Economic Development Zone appeared on the hot search because of the stolen more than 540 televisions here. At present, Changchun Public Security Organs have recovered 464 stolen TVs and raised more than 300,000 yuan in economic losses. Two criminal suspects were taken criminal compulsory measures by public security organs in accordance with the law. One of them was the builder of the square construction site. Lawyers analyzed that the two suspects had violated theft and might face criminal punishment of more than three years.

Police counted the stolen TV

It is understood that in March of this year, a new crown epidemic occurred in Changchun City, Jilin Province. To this end, the construction of a square cabin isolation point in the Xinglong Comprehensive Bonded Zone of Changchun Economic Development Zone, with a total land area of ​​about 400,000 square meters and a total construction area of ​​144,000 square meters. A total of 5,000 single -person isolation rooms were set up. Each single isolation room is 18 square meters, and the interior is equipped with beds, bedding, wardrobes, tables and chairs, television, independent bathrooms, and water heaters (or hot water treasures). The isolation point began to be put into use on March 23. As the Changchun epidemic was relieved, the square cabin wasolation point was closed.

According to the police of the Xinglongshan Police Station of the Changchun Public Security Bureau Economic and Development Bureau, on June 3, the property staff from the management of the managers reported to the police and said that the TV of the Xinglongshan square cabin wasolation point was gone. The position of the TV set is vacant, the TV is not visible, and there are traces of removal and movement on the scene.

Move the TV

In order to figure out the specific situation, the Xinglongshan Police Station of the Changchun Public Security Bureau quickly set up a task force to investigate. Through in -depth and retrieved nearby video surveillance, the police handling the case speculated that the suspect might commit the crime again. Because in the case of closed tanks, the monitoring equipment in the isolation point has been disconnected, and the police informed the property to restore the monitoring equipment to prevent the crime again. At about 10 pm on June 5th, it was found that someone entered the Xinglong Mountain square cabin isolation point and was moving out of the TV. The police arrived and squatted for a long time. At about 3 am on June 6, when a white taxi came, the suspect in the isolation point moved to the TV in the taxi. Subsequently, the police arrested the two, and the taxi driver Yao was captured on the spot, detained 38 stolen TVs on the spot. The suspect of moving the TV, because he had a bad deed, was more cunning, struggling to resist, and then escaped. On June 16th, in front of the Sanma Road in Changchun City, the police handling the case arrested the suspect Wang.

Criminal suspect identification on the spot

According to the police of Xinglongshan Police Station, after investigation, the suspect of the escape man Wang was the participating builders of the Xinglongshan square cabin construction site. The life was relatively difficult, and the idea of ​​stealing the quarantine point TV was implemented. the behavior of.

It is reported that from May 26th to June 5th, two criminal suspects stole more than 540 televisions, which made nearly 70,000 yuan from it. At present, Changchun Public Security Organs have recovered 464 stolen TVs and raised more than 300,000 yuan in economic losses. Two criminal suspects have been criminal measures by public security organs in accordance with the law.

Local police station

In this regard, Fu Chengchen, a senior criminal defense lawyer of Law Firm today, said that the two suspects stole public and private property through secretly stealing. His behavior had violated theft and should be held criminally responsible for theft. According to the current public information, the value of the two criminal suspects theft is as high as more than 300,000 yuan. If the amount is identified by the judicial organs as a crime amount according to law, then the two may face criminal punishment of more than three years and ten years.

(Picture source: "Jilin Watch City" WeChat public account)

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