Public security organs fight for rectifying the special action of pension fraud to restore economic losses by more than 8.4 billion yuan

Author:Zhongxin Jingwei Time:2022.06.28

Zhongxin Jingwei, June 28. According to the website of the Ministry of Public Security, in accordance with the unified deployment of the Ministry of Public Security, the national public security organs closely combined with summer public security to combat the "100 -day action" to further promote the special operation of cracking down on pension fraud. More than 7,880 cases of infringing the rights and interests of the elderly, more than 17,510 suspects of illegal crimes, more than 1040 illegal criminal gangs, more than 8.4 billion yuan in economic losses for the people, and achieved significant staged results.

In order to thoroughly implement the requirements of the Party Central Committee's decision -making deployment and the nation's special operational deployment meeting of pension fraud, the Ministry of Public Security has deployed the national public security organs from April to carry out a six -year centralized combination of special operations. Public security organs in various places quickly acted, opened the way, took multiple measures, and applied together to provide "pension services", investing "pension projects", selling "pension products", claiming "house -care", agency "endowment insurance", "pension insurance", The name of "elderly care assistance" and other names, implement fraud, fund -raising fraud, illegal absorption of public deposits, organizational leading MLM activities, contract fraud, fake and inferior goods and production, sales, fake medicines, inferior drugs, etc. Various types of illegal and criminal activities launched a fierce offensive. The Shanghai Public Security Organ is suspected of illegally absorbing public deposit cases for a sales of pension wealth management products, and the case is worth more than 6 billion yuan. Guangxi Public Security Organs detected 46 cases of fraud in the name of "endowment insurance" in the name of "endowment insurance", with a amount involved in more than 10 million yuan. The Fujian public security organs cracked a case of a major pension fraud, arrested 14 suspects of fraud, and seized a large number of false appraisal certificates and inferior calligraphy and painting on the spot. The cumulative transaction amount reached more than 280 million yuan.

During the work, public security organs from various places pay attention to strengthening publicity and prevention, flexibly use face -to -face preaching, distributing publicity materials, and large speakers to carry out prevention of knowledge propaganda, improve the ability of the elderly to learn fraud, and maximize the "space fraud space" of fraud. Essence Through public reporting telephone, reporting mailboxes, and visiting the area of ​​the district, mass reports have been widely mobilized, and clue discovery capabilities are continuously improved. In response to the supervision vulnerabilities found in the investigation work, promote the strengthening of source governance and industry supervision, and maximize the prevention and reduction of cases. Guizhou public security organs conducted comprehensive investigations of enterprises involving the elderly industry and conducted in -depth analysis and judgment on related clues. Based on anti -fraud publicity work, Chongqing Public Security Organs give full play to the power of grass -roots communities, and issue risk prompts and early warning information to the elderly "point -to -point" to achieve good results.

The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Public Security stated that the public security organs will always maintain the high pressure of such illegal and criminal activities. Promote in depth and resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the elderly. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

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