The new secrets of the neighborhood land caused the new secrets to execute the contradictions

Author:Mammoth video Time:2022.06.22

Elephant News · Chief reporter Mu Jiazheng Correspondent Qin Shizhen Wei Xiaoyan

It is said that "distant relatives are not as good as neighbors." Since ancient times, neighbors have been assisted with each other and love each other. They meet each other and greet each other. They usually have time to make the door, and they have come and go. The neighborhood disputes have also been there since ancient times, and it is inevitable. Especially in rural areas, traffic disputes between neighbors have disrupted the order of daily life and intensified the contradictions between neighborhoods. Recently, the Xinmi Court implemented a case of adjacent traffic in accordance with the law and successfully resolved the contradiction between neighborhood.

Case details:

Both Wang and Du are villagers in a village in Niutian Town, Xinmi City. The two arable land are adjacent to Wang Mou's cultivated land. And pass needs to be formed.

During the planting of fruit trees on the cultivated land, Du Mou used the iron wire to be surrounded by the wire mesh and locked in the doorbar. To this end, the dispute between Wang Du and the village committee have repeatedly mediation. Later, Wang Mou sued the new secret court to deal with adjacent relationships. After hearing the new secret court, the new secret court judged that Du Mou had the north side of the north and south of the cement road section of the Wangmou cultivated land within 30 days after the verdict came into effect. The door of the protection net is demolished and the road with a passing width of two meters is preserved. Du did not accept a appeal to the Zhengzhou Intermediate People's Court.

After the verdict came into effect, Du did not fulfill its legal obligations, and Wang applied to the new secret court for compulsory implementation according to law. After receiving the case, the executive judge of the New Secret Court learned about the case in a timely manner, and went to the scene to check it many times. He communicated with the executed person Du Mou, but Du Mou had a tough attitude and was unwilling to remove the door. Executive judges learned through the local village committee that due to the problem of neighboring traffic, the contradiction between the two sides was extremely deep, and the village committee had repeatedly mediation.

Executive judges know the importance and sensitivity of rural neighborhood relationships, carefully analyze the reasons for the dispute with the cadres of the village committee, and go to Du's house many times. , Moving the affection, understanding. Through many in -depth and meticulous work, the two sides finally opened. Executive judges went to the village to measure land at the scene in time, negotiating solutions with the parties to maximize the interests of the two parties. In the end, the executed person Dukou agreed to demolish the escort and retain the road to restore the original appearance of the arable land. At this point, the case of neighborhood disputes was successfully resolved.

Judge said:

The adjacent relationship should be based on the principles of favorable production, convenience, unity and mutual assistance, and fairness and reasonableness. If neighboring persons must use related land because they pass, they should provide necessary convenience and not change the status quo at will. If it causes hindrance or loss to the neighboring parties, the infringement should be stopped, the obstacles are excluded, and the loss should be compensated. It is hoped that every citizen will be based on the principle of building a harmonious society, not harming the rights of others, not violating legal regulations, and getting along with others.

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