Stolen two mobile phones within a day, Wuhan police arrested the suspect

Author:Pole news Time:2022.09.25

Jimu Journalist Sun Zeyu

Correspondent Zhang Zuhua

In August this year, a man in Wuhan stole two consecutive times within a day in a one -day theft and walked two mobile phones. One month later, the man's hometown was re -applied, and the Wuhan Metro police quickly followed up and arrested the suspect outside a subway station.

At 1 pm on August 19th, an employee in the Wuhan Metro Line 4 of the Cyma Mitsi Station asked the police room to ask the police room to be stolen. Three hours later, another merchant called a merchant in the nearby station business district called the police that she placed her mobile phone on the door of the door. Who knew that her mobile phone was gone.

Two cases of stolen mobile phones occurred within a day, and they were in the subway station, and the crimes were similar, which caused great attention from the Qinghong Police Station of the Wuhan Public Security Bureau Railway Bureau.

Yang Hao, the captain of the case handling of Qinghong Police Station, quickly organized the detection. By retripping the surveillance video, video tracking and conducting a visit, the police locked a man wearing a peaked cap and glasses, about 40 years old. The police found that the two mobile phones were stolen by one person from the afternoon of the day. After the man stole his mobile phone to leave the subway station, he left with an old folding bicycle with a lock before and after.

In the next day, the police did not give up. They always followed whether the manly man entered the subway station area. The abnormal thing was almost a month. The suspect had no longer entering the subway like evaporation. Discover it.

At about 7 pm on September 20, the police found a folding bicycle near the subway station, which was very similar to the style characteristics of the bicycle riding by the suspect, and squatted around the bicycle. About half an hour later, the man walked to the folding bicycle and wanted to leave after unlocked in front of him. He was controlled by the squatting police. Then he found a mobile phone that could not explain the source on his body.

After the trial, the suspect Chen Moumou not only provided the criminal facts of stealing two mobile phones on the Metro Station Commercial Street on August 19, but also confessed that the mobile phone on it was also the mobile phone that was stolen the day before. It's so good to put the phone in the control of the phone. "

It turned out that on the afternoon of August 19th, due to the hot weather, Chen Moumou came to the Cymbicon Metro Metro Station to cool. When he was resting on a massage chair, he found that a female clerk on the opposite side put his mobile phone on the cash register, and then walked towards the toilet with a toilet paper.

Looking at the unmanned shop, Chen Moumou quickly stole his mobile phone. In the afternoon of the same day, he came to the nearby subway station Xu Dong Commercial Street to hang out, and saw a store owner put his mobile phone on the table to receive the guests. Chen Moumou took the opportunity to "go" quickly and immediately left the scene.

Afterwards, he resold the two mobile phones and re -applied it a month later. While a van driver got out of the empty gear, he put it on the driver's mobile phone and walked away. But he did not expect that the next day the driver's mobile phone was captured by the subway police.

At present, Chen Moumou has been criminally detained, and the case is under investigation.

(Correspondent's picture)

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