The "place code" has not been implemented in accordance with regulations, and Pengjiang Public Security investigates and punish in accordance with the law!

Author:Pengjiang Public Security Time:2022.09.11

"Place Code" is an epidemic

Precision prevention and control "electronic sentinel"

Every place must be resolutely implemented

Every door must be set up, every entry must be swept,

Must be checked every sweep, every epidemic must be reported

The main body of the place must take the initiative to apply for the "place code"

And strictly implement the "place code" scanning requirements in accordance with regulations

In order to further implement the deployment of the joint prevention and control work of the new coronary pneumonia, comprehensively deepen the supervision and management of various industries in Pengjiang District, and resolutely rectify the problems of not consumed thermal measurement scanning, and the employees did not carry out nucleic acid testing in accordance with regulations. Police forces of Pengjiang Public Security Organization launched special inspections and rectification operations on key places, supermarkets, hotels and other places in their jurisdiction, supermarkets, hotels and other places to carry out the implementation of the "place code", temperature measurement, and mask prevention and control measures.

The CCP ’s plan to inspect 154 key places, hotel industry, apartments, supermarket stores, including 8 hidden dangers found and rectified. And order rectification.

Legal link

Article 50 of the "Punishment of Public Security Management of the People's Republic of China": If one of the following acts, a warning or a fine of less than 200 yuan; if the circumstances are serious, detained for more than five days and less than 5 days, and may be under 500 yuan below 500 yuan fine;

(1) Refusing to implement the decision and order issued by the people's government in accordance with the law in an emergency;

(2) It hinders the staff of the state organs to perform their duties in accordance with the law;

(3) Fire trucks, ambulances, engineering rescue vehicles, police cars and other vehicles that hinder the execution of emergency tasks;

(4) Forcibly rushing to the alert belt and warning area set up by the public security organs. If the people's police execute their duties in accordance with the law, they will be punished.

It should be reminded that if the medical institution unit fails to post the "place code" in accordance with the regulations, it is given warning in accordance with Article 50 of the Emergency Regulations of the Public Health Incidents; "Practice permit"; disciplinary sanctions to be relegated or dismissal to the principals, responsible persons, and other direct responsible persons in accordance with the law; causing infectious disease dissemination, epidemic or other serious harmful consequences to the public's health, which constitutes crime that constitutes a crime Criminal responsibility in accordance with the law.

Reminder: The red line cannot be stepped on

Epidemic prevention and control is the common responsibility of the whole society. The line of defense of epidemic prevention policies "falls" on any individual, which may cause serious consequences that individuals cannot afford. The majority of operators and masses are requested to increase their vigilance. During the period of normalization of epidemic prevention and control, we must continue to strengthen the prevention and control of key places and comprehensively strengthen the use of "place code" throughout the scene.


The main operating management body of the place must do the following points:

1. Apply and post "Place Code"

2. Specify a special person for the "place code" scan code check to make a person check

3. Verify the health code information displayed after scanning the code

4. When encountering the elderly, children, etc., personnel registration is performed through reverse scan code or peers and other functions.

If you do not listen to dissuasion and refuse to use the "place code", the public security organs will warn and fine, and will be administrative detention; if a crime is constituted, criminal liability will be investigated in accordance with the law.

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