Hechi: The days of "Dongba Phoenix" are getting red and red fire

Author:Baguang Police Time:2022.06.20

"Dongbafeng" is the abbreviation of three counties such as Donglan County, Hechi City, Bama Yao Autonomous County, and Fengshan County. This was the birthplace of the Guangxi Farmers Movement, and was the hinterland of the Youjiang Revolutionary Base established by Comrade Deng Xiaoping.

The police of the Public Security Bureau of Fengshan County returned to the poverty alleviation households in Lanbao Village, Pingle Yao Township. (Information picture)

Entering "Dongbafeng", the battlefield that had been changed in the battlefield that year has become a real planting field. The iron -brown stone mountain has become Aoyama of Cui Han Dan. Family ... Revolutionary old districts are full of vitality, and the people have lived happiness and peace. Behind the new appearance of the old district, it is inseparable from the hard work of the public security organs.

Fully win the battle against poverty

Recently, when the reporter came to Lanbao Village, Pingle Yao Township, Fengshan County, Liang Huayong and Fang Yujun of the Public Security Bureau of Fengshan County Public Security Bureau were returning to the home of the villagers Wang Fengguan. Last year, Wang Fengguan's granddaughter unfortunately suffered from severe diabetes. The family was facing the danger of returning to poverty. Working members and village cadres were trying to help them solve their difficulties.

Lanbao Village is located in the Shishan area, with 72%of the 2600 villagers. Huang Dian, secretary of the village party branch, told reporters that before 2015, half of the family in the village still lived in thatched houses. In 2016, after contacting the Public Security Bureau of Fengshan County to help Lanbao Village, it first solved the infrastructure problems of transportation, power supply, human and animal drinking water, and the network of the whole village, and then implemented 230 poor households in the village. Carry out accurate assistance in accordance with the standards of "Eight Eight". In 2020, Lanbao Village took off the hat of the poor village, and the whole village built a new building.

The change of Lanbao Village is a microcosm of the "Dongbafeng" fighting poverty alleviation. Because the three counties are in the Dashi Mountain area northwest of Gui, the natural conditions are harsh and economic development lags, and the life of poverty alleviation has always been a dream that the local people are expected to reach.

After the battle for poverty alleviation, the three county public security organs regarded the battle to win poverty alleviation as the largest political task and the largest people's livelihood project. They actively selected excellent police officers to the poor village as the first secretary and poverty alleviation team member to mobilize the police to participate in poverty alleviation. The public security police took the poor households as relatives and made every effort to help them open the poverty, find the project on the project, and raise the voting industry, lead them out of the poverty -stricken quagmire and start a new life.

At the end of 2020, after the three counties of "Dongbafeng" successfully got rid of poverty and removed their hats, the public security organs were followed by the "four non -picking" work requirements of the "four non -picking" work in accordance with the hats and not picking responsibilities, not picking policies, no assistance, and not removing supervision. Help, continue to consolidate the results of poverty alleviation, and effectively connect rural revitalization.

Create a social environment of living and work

Ping An is the biggest people's livelihood. In order to create a peaceful and harmonious social environment for the people of the old district, public security organs actively innovate the police model, improve the performance of police, and the level of management and control of social security.

In Donglan County, the public security organs adopt the method of sharding management to divide 14 towns and villages in the county into 4 areas. The police stations in each area establish a joint party branch to drive police cooperation with party building. The central police station in the area set up a "two teams and one room", and the police stations jointly worked together to deal with it. In the first quarter of this year, the number of criminal cases in the county decreased by 38.6%year -on -year. Among them, the number of theft and telecommunications network fraud cases decreased by 68%and 56%, respectively.

The police auxiliary police officers of the Wuyi Police Station of Donglan County Public Security Bureau guided the masses to install the national anti -fraud apps to protect the money bags of the people of the old district.

In order to promote the construction of smart police, the Public Security Bureau of the Three County Public Security Bureau actively enhances the ability to apply informatization, centralized the construction of the Skynet project and extended to the countryside. Last year, the Public Security Bureau of Bama Yao Autonomous County cracked down 32 electric fraud gangs, captured 175 suspects, frozen nearly 80 million yuan involved in the case, and recovered more than 4 million yuan in economic losses for the masses.

In the first quarter of this year, the number of criminal cases in the county decreased by 33.95%year -on -year, of which telecommunications network fraud cases fell by 39%. Fengshan County has not had "two grabs" and pickpocket cases for 8 consecutive years. Since last year, 50%of the county's villages have no police affairs and no cases. The sense of security and satisfaction of the masses hit a new high.

Solve the "urgency and sorrow" of the masses

The "Dongbafeng" area is the birthplace of the Guangxi Farmers Movement and the hinterland of the Youjiang Revolutionary Base. The red sites can be seen everywhere. In the list of Best Uprising Martyrs, nearly 80 % of Yinglie came from "Dongbafeng". Public security organs use rich red education resources to carry out ideals and belief education for the police, and educate the majority of police officers to protect the red land that they are fighting hard and fight for the loyal guards of the party and the people.

One day in August last year, a newly edited chicken cage in Laulu Village, Wudi Town, Donglan County disappeared, so he went to the police station for help. The police warmly received the grandmother. Through video surveillance, the chicken cage was taken by several teenagers to fish in the river. The police chased the river and helped the old man take the chicken cage back.

For the help of the masses, it is the serious handling of the case. It is not a enthusiastic to do if it is not a case. The trivial matters have become the consensus of the local police.

Affected by economic conditions and traditional habits, some people in the "Dongbafeng" lack a sense of hukou registration awareness. Many children did not register the hukou in time after birth, which affected future school, employment and life.In the battle of poverty alleviation, the local public security organs carried out a comprehensive investigation. The police entered the village to collect the evidence of the household registration registration and helped the registration one by one to solve the difficulties for the masses.During the battle against poverty, the public security organs also found that the number of local rural drivers and motor vehicles has grown rapidly in recent years.In this regard, while improving the traffic safety facilities of rural roads, the public security traffic police department deepen the reform of "decentralization of management service", extensively carried out services into rural activities, and followed the village to promote traffic safety knowledge.Four indicators of road traffic management in Fengshan County in Shan High Road Insurance declined year after year. In 2019, 67%of villages in the county did not have a traffic accident.

Source: People's Public Security News


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