Barun Bieli Police Station: Campaign to rectify the promotion of pension fraud

Author:Ping An Inner Mongolia Time:2022.06.20

In order to comprehensively implement the spirit of cracking down on the special action deployment meeting of pension fraud, according to the "Work Plan for the Special Action Action of Public Security Organs in the Public Security Organ in the District Public Security Organs", in order The illegal fund -raising safety defense line in the field of defense, on June 15, 2022, Barunbie Police Station uses the characteristics of the "Five Must Collection" in the jurisdiction to carry out publicity activities to combat pension fraud.

In order to make anti -fraud knowledge deeply, the police officers of the police station posted posters such as public -care fraud publicity posters such as the announcement bar and entrances and exit of the farmer's market in Bunbieli Town, issued publicity materials, and promoted the "National Anti -Fraud Center" APP. Introduce deception and anti -fraud skills. Demonstrate and easy -to -understand ways to expose various new types of fraud methods in real typical fraud cases and easy -to -understand methods. And remind the elderly to keep their minds sober in daily life and increase their awareness, so they must not be greedy for free to lead eggs and cups. At the same time, the police also actively guided the majority of middle -aged and middle -aged residents to communicate and communicate with their parents, understand their living conditions, psychological status, and pay attention to the financial status of the elderly to help them prevent fraud.

In this publicity activity, a total of 7 police forces were dispatched, 2 banners were hung, and 300 leaflets were distributed. The publicity and answers were 100 person -times, which further enhanced the elderly's awareness of anti -fraud and scamming ability. The ability to identify fraud will help elderly groups to protect "old -age money" and create a good environment for rule of law for grassroots governance.

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