Jiangxi Nanchang cracked the case of pension fraud 52 raised 312 million yuan in the loss of the masses

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.08.18

Xinhua News Agency, Nanchang, August 18th (Reporter Yuan Huijing) Since April this year, in the special operation of combating and rectifying pension fraud, Nanchang, Jiangxi, has cracked 52 cases of pension fraud, and has recovered the loss of 312 million yuan for the masses.

This was learned from the Political and Legal Committee of the Nanchang Municipal Party Committee.It is reported that special actions have paid an eye on providing 6 key cases such as "pension services" and investing in "pension projects". They accurately crack down on a number of criminal gangs, and drive special actions to carry out in -depth development with key cases and pursue their stolen money.At present, Nanchang City has recovered 312 million yuan for the masses.In "Lao Qingxiang" illegally absorbing public deposits, 4,930 victims cleared more than 259 million yuan, and the loss rate was 51.79%.

As of now, in special operations, Nanchang City has received a total of 498 clues, 322, and a settlement rate of 64.66%.

[Editor in charge: Wang Jianing]

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