Yantai Federation of Trade Unions Precise Policies to safeguard the rights and interests of workers in the new employment form

Author:Qilu.com Time:2022.06.17

"Thank you for the thoughtful legal services of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions." Recently, the wages and economic compensation of nine online platform drivers in Yantai City have finally arrived, and the workers' hearts have finally been put down.


In October 2021, a distribution platform of nine online car drivers such as Wang Mou suddenly revoked the business and shut down all business outlets. However, the salary for two months has not been paid. In desperation, several driver masters found the legal service station of the new employment of the Yantai Federation of Trade Unions for help. After understanding the situation, the members of the legal service station conducted a visit through investigation. After multiple mediation, the nine drivers helped recover wages and economic compensation.

This is a microcosm of the all -round and multi -angle deployment of the party's equity maintenance work. This year, the Yantai Federation of Trade Unions and the Judicial Bureau of Yantai City seized the three major "efforts" accurate policies, carried out the "new business and new employment group legal service month" activities, and fully guaranteed the failure of the new employment format's rights.

Exercise with the "rule of law medical examination" to help healthy development of health. Organize the city's lawyers based on their own fields, classify and connect various types of enterprises such as express delivery, e -commerce, takeaway, industry and trade, and carry out the "medical examination of the rule of law" by reviewing the rules and regulations of employment contracts, opening lectures, centralized publicity, and visiting enterprises. The city has carried out a "medical examination of the rule of law" for 97 new employment enterprises, and proposed 94 legal guidance and suggestions in regulating the employment of new employment enterprises, improving management innovation incentive systems, review of contract agreements, and safety education and training. Risks to help enterprises healthy development.

Establish a harmonious labor relationship with "legal services". Establish a "New C formal Labor Legal Service Station" to apply for assistance to pay for labor remuneration, the contract expires without renewal, and other immune -related labor disputes. Flexible means such as legal, mediation, and coordination to achieve a win -win situation that maintains both the legitimate interests of workers and ensure the normal operation of enterprises, mediate 38 labor dispute cases, and build a "rule of law defense line" for preventing and resolving the disputes between labor rights and interests of new employment forms.

With the "publicity of the rule of law", we will enhance the awareness of laborers to defend their rights. Adopt the combination of online and offline, in -depth commercial buildings, commercial complexes, courier outlets, etc. of the new employment forms, and in -depth preaching of the Civil Code, Labor Law, Trade Union Law, "Regulations on Labor Labor Supervision of Shandong Province" and other legal knowledge , Policies and regulations on the protection of the rights and interests of the workers in the new employment form, widespread publicity on the development of the event through public accounts, websites, and other forms. About 35,000 propaganda materials were distributed.

Source: Workers Daily

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