Inner Mongolia Police Star Shine | Baotou Station Police Station: Stick up the railway line and protect the side

Author:Ping An Inner Mongolia Time:2022.06.17

At the National Public Security System Heroes Model Modeling Conference, six police officers from the Inner Mongolia public security organs won the honorary title of "National Outstanding People's Police", and 25 police officers were awarded the honorary title of "National Outstanding People's Police". Model "honorary title. The public security organs in the region have 3 collectives for "National Outstanding Public Security Bureau", 18 collective evaluation of "National Outstanding Public Security Grassroots Unit", and 10 collective evaluation "National Public Security Organs' Model Model Collective".

The commendable hero models collectively carry the lofty honor and brilliant performance of the Inner Mongolia public security, and the group of Inner Mongolia's public security practical practice of "loyalty to the party, serving the people, law enforcement justice, and strict disciplinary" of Inner Mongolia's public security practice is the whole. The district public security organs implemented the important achievements of the practice activities of the party history and education, the normalization of the education and education of the public security team, and the implementation of the education and rectification of the public security team and the "Boving the 20th Congress of the CPC, loyalty to protect the peace". Today, let's get closer to the "National Outstanding Public Security Grassroots Unit" -the Hohhot Railway Public Security Bureau Baotou Public Security Office Baotou Station Police Station to learn his advanced deeds.


At 2:48 am on June 8th.

"Jingle Bell……"

The Hohhot Railway Public Security Bureau Baotou Public Security Office Baotou Station Police Station's command room, a rushing telephone ringing sounded.

"Someone traveled through the line to protect the network 10 kilometers, please go to the police immediately!"

After receiving the police, the four police officers at the Baotou Station Police Station rushed to the scene at the fastest speed to bring away the personnel who misused into the line to escort, and timely eliminate hidden dangers of railway traffic. When the police returned to the place after the police set up the police, the sky was slightly lit.

The Baotou Station Police Station was established in 1958. There are currently 31 police officers, with an average age of 38. They have jurisdiction over 3 stations and more than 70 kilometers of railway lines.

Is it difficult to keep the railway line? Those who do n’t know about this job may say, do n’t you get a circle when you drive? However, it is far from that simple.

On December 26, 2019, in order to ensure the safety of the high -speed rail to Baotou, the upcoming Beijing -Baotou, the director of the Baotou Station Police Station took the police to take the snow to walk for 16 kilometers and check the line in the snowy snow. Step step by step.

Since 2018, the police and auxiliary police officers of Baotou Station Police Station found more than 370 hidden dangers; more than 620 publicity of Ailu Road was carried out, and more than 30,500 people were educated. The Police Police of the Railway of the Dynasties, insisted on his heart and sweat day and night.

As an important transportation hub, Baotou Station opened a daily averaged train and sent more than 23,000 passengers. The escort passengers "go home", and the railway public security assumes the main responsibility, and is the main force.

At the Pakisto Station Police Station, the banner of "breaking the case quickly and dedicated" was sticked.

The story of Jinqi's story goes back to early May this year. Ms. Xiao, Ms. Xiao, called the police that after she came out of the bathroom and found that the suitcase in the waiting hall was gone. After receiving the police, the police and auxiliary police of the Bao Tou Station Police Station found and visited through video surveillance and field investigations. They quickly locked the suspects and arrested the suspect and returned to justice the next day, and successfully recovered Ms. Xiao's stolen items. As a result, Ms. Xiao sent this flag to the police station and expressed her sincere thanks to the police.

In recent years, Baotou Station Police Station has carried out a series of activities such as "Falcon" and "Cloud Catcher" by deepening the special operations of "Ping An's Road and Golden Shields" to deepen the special operations of "Ping An Station and Golden Shield". From 42 criminal cases, 4682 law and order cases were investigated and punished.

The work followed the problem, turning around the people. Baotou Station Police Station has made practical and practical effects on the window service, dispute mediation, communication and interaction. Since 2017, it has properly handled the passengers for help for more than 1,3500 times, and the number of passengers' mistakes and forgetful luggage issues from 7860, which has achieved the safety of the people of the people. The "double harvest" of sense and satisfaction.

64 years of change, 64 years of loading to the people, and 64 years of nursing peace.

"We sweat more to keep the line safe." Said the time of time excitedly.

Source: Inner Mongolia Daily

Editor: Yang Nana

School pair: Wei Hanzhong Dai Zijun

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