Settlement funds for gambling websites for more than 500 million yuan 39 people committed "sin crime" to be sentenced to punishment

Author:Xinhua News Agency Time:2022.08.10

"You can get benefits from borrowing a bank card. This easy way to make money pushes me to the abyss of crime." A prisoner said. A few days ago, the People's Court of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region was convicted of helping information network criminal activities (referred to as the "crime of helping the letter"), and 39 defendants such as He Moumou were pronounced in accordance with the law.

The court trial found that from mid -February to early May 2021, 39 defendants such as He Moumou bought or rented other people's bank cards and mobile cards to provide payment settlement services for online gambling websites through mobile phone operations. Among them, four defendants such as He Moumou set up three "running points" locations. The defendant Lei Moumou provided technical support. 11 defendants such as Wang Moumou and Ding Moumou were responsible for acquiring bank cards or providing transfer services for transfer services. Liu Mou and other 23 defendants were responsible for providing payment settlement help. Statistics show that the gang has settled more than 540 million yuan for the gambling website.

The court believes that the actions of 39 defendants constitute the crime of helping information network criminal activities. The defendant He Moumou and other 39 people had different sentencing circumstances and regrets such as surrender, frank, refunded illegal income, and actively paying fines. In accordance with the law, the court was convicted of information network crime activities, and 39 defendants such as He Moumou were sentenced to a penalty to two years in prison for two years and six months. (Reporter Jia Lijun)

[Editor in charge: Zhan Jing]

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