[Hot spots] Self -invested!The suspect was in the court to hear the seat and was arrested on the spot!

Author:Qinghai Pu Law Time:2022.08.09

In the concert of "Song God" Jacky Cheung,

Police from various places have arrested more than 80 fugitives on the spot,

The maximum was arrested at a time.


Lingling City People's Court, Hunan Province

A similar scene also happened.

A suspect in a fugitive

I came to the court to listen to the cases related to myself,



I have confirmed my eyes, the person I want to catch

On the morning of July 29, the Lingling People's Court opened a casino case publicly. During the trial, Luo Weibo, the police handling of the case, noticed that a listener in the front row of the attendance seat was familiar. He thought about it carefully and quickly recognized the person who was "Li Mouqing and others opened a casino case".

It turned out that during the investigation of the case, Luo Weibo saw Xiao Mou's ID photo during the recognition of photos, and naturally remembered his appearance. With many years of work experience, he met with many years of work experience. As soon as he met at the trial site, Luo Weibo recognized Xiao.


"The most dangerous place" may not be safe

Because the trial has not ended, in order to ensure the normal progress of the trial, Luo Weibo did not hit the grass and shocked the snake after confirming the identity of the suspect, Xiao Mou.

During the trial, the police and the bailiffs looked back from time to time, monitoring their every move, and waiting for the opportunity to arrest.


Uniform together, don't think about leaving when you come

As soon as the trial was over, after the escape was out of the trial area, the police and the bailiff quickly took action. Because Xiao tried to resist escape, the resistance was more intense. In order to ensure the safety of the masses and the normal order of the lobby, the police and the bailiff quickly evacuated the people and controlled them together, put on handcuffs, and submitted the suspect Xiao Mou on the spot.

It was found that from February 20th to March 19th, 2021, the suspect Li Mouqing and others opened the casino in Sifen Town, Liling City and Mingyue Town. , Wangfeng and whistle.

At present, Xiao Mou was criminally detained by the public security organs in accordance with the law for suspected opening of a casino, and the case was being handled further.

People look for him thousands of Baidu,

Suddenly looking back,

The man was sitting at the court.

The judge reminds:

"French Open is restored, sparse without leaking."

Illegal crimes are difficult to do,

Today, you sit on the countertop,

Tomorrow will sit in the defendant seat.

Source: Chinese Fa Law

Disclaimer: Reproduced this article out of the purpose of passing more information and conducive to the law of law. If there is an error or infringe your legitimate rights and interests, the author is requested to contact the Law of Qinghai with the authority. We will correct and delete it in time. Thank you.

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