The Mucun Police Station of the Public Security Bureau of Liulin County launched a centralized return of stolen goods

Author:Huanghe News Network Luliang C Time:2022.08.08


Since the launch of the "Hundred Days of Actions" in the summer public security strikes, Liu Lin public security focuses on various prominent violations of crimes, insist on small cases, and will be chased by stolen stolen, and will set off a strict offensive.Continuously enhance the sense of security, gain, and happiness of the people.

On the afternoon of August 3, the Mucun Police Station organized a centralized return of stolen goods to allow the case to break the results and benefit people's livelihood. The five stolen motorcycles returned to the victims in the recently cracked motorcycle series theft cases.At the scene, the victims identified the items involved. After verifying the relevant procedures after verification, the police returned the stolen motorcycle one by one.The victims highly evaluated the rapidly solving cases and enthusiastic services of public security organs.

In the next step, the Mucun Police Station of the Public Security Bureau of Liulin County will continue to adhere to the concept of "breaking the case and chasing the stolen stolen", actively respond to the deep expectations of the masses in the jurisdiction, and effectively improve the safety satisfaction of the people.(Liu Lin Public Security)

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